Blood circulation allows for the transport of oxygen and nutrients to the organs and cells. Microcirculation refers to the interface between the blood and the cells.

Everything you need to know about skin microcirculation.
What is cutaneous microcirculation?
The skin is composed of three layers: the epidermis (the most superficial), the dermis, and the hypodermis. Only the epidermis is not vascularized: it is "nourished" by imbibition from the capillary networks of the dermal papillae.
When we talk about cutaneous microcirculation, we are therefore referring to the blood and lymphatic network composed of capillaries, arterioles, and venules, located in the dermis and hypodermis.
Four major functions are associated with the skin's microcirculation:
The nutrition of cells in the dermis, hypodermis, and epidermis, as well as appendages of the skin such as nails;
The maintenance of arterial pressure through a vasoconstrictor tone;
The skin's tolerance to prolonged periods of ischemia caused by body weight. As a reminder, ischemia refers to theinsufficiency of blood supply to an organ due to an obstruction in the flow of blood in an artery.
The body's thermoregulation, around 100.4°F.
However, the skin's microcirculation changes during skin aging, where a gradual decrease in the formation of new vessels can be observed, leading to skin pallor, alopecia, cutaneous ischemia, etc...
How to stimulate microcirculation of blood?
Carboxytherapy involves injecting small amounts of CO2 gas into the dermis. The goal is to enhance the appearance of the skin. The procedure improves blood circulation, thereby eliminating various skin imperfections: cellulite, stretch marks, dark circles, and wrinkles.
The injection of CO2 is beneficial for vascular activity. It impacts vascularization, increases the density of blood vessels, and enhances their regeneration. It also affects microcirculation by improving blood flow, the passage of red blood cells, and the release of oxygen into the skin tissues.
Performing facial massages
These elements not only enhance microcirculation but also contribute to increased firmness and elasticity.
Mechanical Exfoliation
Scrubbing is a technique that allows the removal of dead cells accumulated on the skin surface, which can be responsible for the appearance of blemishes. It thus helps the skin regain softness and flexibility, stimulates the body's and face's micro-circulation, and promotes cellular regeneration. This operation is generally performed weekly, depending on the skin type. We have developed four scrubs based on exfoliating micro-grains derived from ground apricot kernels. Facial scrubs are less concentrated in abrasive particles than body scrubs, in order to respect your skin.Le gommage visage éclat à l'huile de rose musquée et au macérât de carotte bio unifie le teint et lui apporte luminosité. Il convient particulièrement aux peaux ternes, en manque d'éclat, ainsi qu'aux peaux sèches et inconfortables.
Le gommage corps nourrissant permet d'assouplir et d'adoucir l'épiderme. Il convient particulièrement aux peaux sèches et inconfortables.
Le gommage corps tonifiant contient du macérât de café vert bio (drainant) ainsi que des huiles essentielles de citronnelle et de cèdre bio (anti-cellulite). Il est recommandé pour lisser, raffermir et tonifier la peau tout en atténuant l'aspect peau d'orange.
Understand your skin
and its complex needs.