Aloe vera contre lèvres gercées

Aloe vera for chapped lips?

The lips are a sensitive part of the body. Often overlooked, they nevertheless endure the assault of various external factors that can weaken them, or even cause them to chap when they are overly stressed. Can aloe vera, often praised for its hydrating properties, help in this case?

Published June 11, 2024, updated on October 4, 2024, by Pauline, Head of Scientific Communication — 4 min read

Chapped Lips: Aloe Vera Gel for Soothing?

The lips are often the first to be affected by skin dehydration. When this intensifies, in response to cold, sun, or wind for example, it is common for the lips to crack and present dead skin: we then speak of chapped lips. The great fragility of this area is partly explained by its thinness, accompanied by an almost absence of sebaceous glands and sweat glands, the organs respectively synthesizing sebum and sweat. The lips are therefore practically not protected by a hydrolipidic film, acting on the rest of the body as a barrier sheltering the skin from external aggressions and preventing water loss. The lips thus commonly suffer from dehydration, a phenomenon that can lead to chapping.

To combat chapped lips, the first instinct should be to hydrate them.

Its high water content and hygroscopic substances allow the aloe vera gel to fulfill this role and provide comfort to the lips. Indeed, this botanical extract is very rich in hygroscopic polysaccharides and amino acids, substances capable of attracting and retaining water molecules through absorption or adsorption. Moreover, several studies have shown that when applied topically, the aloe vera gel can form a thin film on the surface of the epidermis, thereby preventing water from evaporating. This moisturizing property is not only beneficial for chapped lips, but also for preventing their future dehydration.

The aloe vera gel also exhibits a restorative action on chapped lips. Indeed, acemannan, a polysaccharide present in its composition, significantly accelerates the healing process and cellular proliferation. Studies have shown that this compound can activate the ATK/mTOR signaling pathway, which is involved in the development of new capillary vessels (angiogenesis). Aloe vera gel also contains glucomannan, another polysaccharide essential for healing. This latter upregulates the growth factor of fibroblasts (TGF-β1) and increases their activity. The secretion of collagen and glycosaminoglycans by fibroblasts is thus amplified, molecules essential for the repair of chapped lips.

Is it dangerous to apply aloe vera gel on the lips?

After purification, the aloe vera gel extracted from the pulp is edible and does not contain aloin, the toxic substance found in the latex of aloe vera leaves. Therefore, it is suitable for consumption, provided it is not overused. It is generally recommended not to exceed 50 mL of juice per day, corresponding to a dose of 200 to 300 mg. When aloe vera gel is applied to the lips, the amount ingested is minimal, even in the case of regular reapplication throughout the day. Indeed, aloe vera gel is a fairly viscous substance, of which about 10 mg is applied to the lips when one wishes to hydrate them. Even considering that one ingests the 10 mg, which is unlikely, it is clear that its use on chapped lips does not pose a health risk.


  • SAPLE D. G. & al. Aloe vera: a brief review. Indian Journal of Dermatology (2008).

  • NAN MEI & others. Aloe vera: A review of toxicity and adverse clinical effects. Journal of Environmental Science and Health (2016).

  • YAMAMOTO T. & al. Age-related differences in the functional properties of lips compared with skin. Skin Research and Technology (2018).

  • LI J. & al. Aloe vera: a medicinal plant utilized in skin wound healing. Tissue Engineering (2021).


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