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Apricot Kernel Powder

Commonly known as:
Prunus Armeniaca Seed Powder (I.N.C.I.).
Botanical name:
Prunus armeniaca.
Extraction process:
Mechanical grinding of the seeds by micronization then sterilization by ionizing irradiations and a microbiological control.
Part of the plant extracted:
Native to the mountains of eastern Iran, Turkestan and northwestern India. Nowadays, it is cultivated almost everywhere in the world.
Early (February to April).
Provenance, origin:
Phytochemical composition:
Vitamins (A, C and E), essential fatty acids (oleic acid and linoleic acid).
Sensorial properties:
Powder; Color: Light brown to brown; Odor: Neutral.
Physical characteristics:
Density = 5.5 - 7.5; Particle size : Particles ≤ 500 μm : ≥ 95 % and particles ≤ 200 μm : ≤ 10 %); Insoluble in water and oil (only in dispersion); Exfoliating power : 3 (medium).
Exfoliating, stimulating, smoothing, toning, softening.
All skin types.
Face care (masks, scrubs, creams); Body care (scrubs, shower gels, shower creams, solid soaps).
Store in a closed package, in a cool, dry place and protected from light.
Contra-Indications and Precautions
There are no contraindications to the cosmetic use of apricot kernel powder. Avoid contact with the eyes.
Find out more
Legend has it that the apricot is a fruit associated with Venus, the goddess of love. In Spain, according to a widespread belief, this fruit would have the power to awaken passion and desire. In cosmetics, the powder is obtained by crushing the kernels. It has a great exfoliating efficiency, which allows to eliminate dead skin with ease and to rejuvenate the skin.