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Bicarbonate de soude contre les odeurs de transpiration.

Using baking soda to combat body odor from perspiration.

Essential for the proper functioning of the body, perspiration aids in the regulation of body temperature and contributes to the elimination of toxins and waste. However, excessive sweating often comes with unpleasant odors. Particularly appreciated in natural deodorant formulas, baking soda possesses absorbent, odor-neutralizing, and anti-inflammatory properties to soothe irritated skin.

Factors contributing to unpleasant body odor from perspiration.

Perspiration, that is, the expulsion of sweat through the pores of the skin, is a natural process in humans. Interestingly, sweat is odorless at the time of its secretion. However, when the milky sweat, produced by the apocrine glands, comes into contact with bacteria, the familiar sweat odors are released!

Generally, unpleasant odors are due to neglected body hygiene, as they are promoted by the growth of bacteria. However, other factors can also contribute to their emergence.

  • The consumption of certain foods such as garlic, onions, and curry can promote sweating. However, their effects are not the same for everyone.

  • Some odor issues can be genetic.

  • The presence of hair retains unpleasant odors as hair provides a refuge for bacteria. Therefore, if you are truly bothered by odors, underarm hair removal could be a good option.

The action of baking soda on body odor caused by perspiration.

The baking soda, scientifically known as "sodium bicarbonate", "monosodium carbonate" or even "sodium hydrogen carbonate" is a white powder with the raw chemical formula NaHCO3. It is an anhydrous mineral with a basic pH (8) that results from the combination of salt and limestone. Despite its name, which can be misleading, baking soda has nothing to do with caustic soda or soda crystals.

This powder is versatile; it is used in cooking, cleaning, and beauty care. The quality demanded in cosmetics is inevitably much stricter than that required for its use in cleaning products. The granulometry and purity of the ingredient are thus strictly controlled in cosmetics.

In deodorant formulas, baking soda is particularly valued and acclaimed for its absorbent properties

However, it is important to clarify that very few scientific studies specifically support its use as a deodorant. Thus, only one study suggests that baking soda might have antimicrobial effects, which could mean it has the ability to fight the bacteria responsible for underarm odors. Nevertheless, it is important to note that this study is old and was conducted in the context of dentistry, not skincare.

It is thus proven that baking soda absorbs the moisture present in the armpits, but its effect on odors still needs to be demonstrated scientifically.

Furthermore, it is better to use a deodorant containing baking soda rather than applying pure baking soda directly under the armpits. Indeed, pure baking soda has a drying effect due to its alkaline pH, which is significantly higher than the physiological pH of the skin, which is acidic (around 5-6). In deodorant formulas, manufacturers generally lower the pH of the product for better skin compatibility, even if the deodorant still contains baking soda. Therefore, opt for a baking soda deodorant over pure baking soda to combat underarm perspiration, especially if you have sensitive skin.

Typology deodorants, skincare products formulated with baking soda.

Our two deodorants contain 98% naturally derived ingredients. They are formulated without aluminum, alcohol, and talc. They reduce the bacteria responsible for odors to provide a fresh sensation thanks to their various fragrances: bergamot - green mandarin and rose - vanilla. Both contain baking soda combined with diatomaceous earth powder. Thanks to its microporous structure, this powder is a drying agent that can absorb up to its own weight in moisture. Its antibacterial action also works on the bacteria present on the skin, thus limiting the appearance of bad odors.

Deodorant and Antiperspirant: What's the Difference?

The difference between deodorant and antiperspirant pertains to their mode of action.

Indeed, deodorant combats unpleasant odors by reducing bacteria on the skin's surface. It also masks odors with its fragrance. It can absorb moisture due to the presence of certain porous powders such as diatomaceous earth or white clay.

An antiperspirant combats unpleasant odors by blocking perspiration. It reduces sweat secretion through ingredients such as aluminum salts. These tighten the pores and thus reduce perspiration. The antiperspirant also destroys bacteria present on the skin's surface.

Note : In everyday language, the term "deodorant" is used more frequently than "antiperspirant". Thus, we sometimes refer to deodorants containing aluminum salts, when in fact they are antiperspirants.


  • DRAKE D. Comparative Study, Antibacterial Activity of Baking Soda. Compendium of Continuing Education in Dentistry(1997).


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