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Effets huile de baobab vergetures.

Baobab Oil: What are its virtues against stretch marks?

Stretch marks are skin lesions comparable to scars, which cannot completely disappear. Even though they are not considered serious medical issues, they are bothersome and unattractive to many people. However, numerous natural alternatives are praised for their ability to lessen or even prevent them. Continue reading to find out if baobab oil, known for its many benefits, could be one of these possible alternatives.

Published January 9, 2024, updated on June 19, 2024, by Marie, Scientific Editor — 5 min read

Baobab Oil, Effects on Stretch Marks?

Originating from Africa, theBaobab oil (Adansonia digitata) has become a trendy ingredient due to the numerous properties that make it applicable in a wide range of skincare products. It has been particularly mentioned as an effective natural solution against stretch marks thanks to its richness in essential fatty acids. Apparently, baobab oil would help both improve the appearance of existing stretch marks and prevent the formation of new ones. Although no scientific study has been conducted at this time on the effects of baobab oil on stretch marks, this natural ingredient possesses properties that could be interesting for preventing stretch marks and reducing the appearance of these micro-skin lesions.

  • Baobab oil to increase collagen production.

    Combined with its content of essential fatty acids, baobab oil is rich in vitamins, which will stimulate the skin's synthesis of collagen, protein fibers whose role is to provide strength and elasticity to the skin. Thus, the stimulating action of baobab oil on collagen could potentially fade and prevent stretch marks. By being strengthened, collagen fibers break less and therefore are likely to result in a reduced number of stretch marks.

  • Baobab oil to reduce the impact of free radicals.

    Exposure to free radicals can damage collagen fibers and promote the appearance of stretch marks. Baobab oil, containing vitamins C and E, exhibits antioxidant activity, enabling it to combat free radicals through electron donation.

  • Thebaobab oil to promote the healing process.

    The vitamin K, found in baobab oil, promotes the coagulation process and thus the blood supply during the inflammatory phase. This blood supply allows the mobilization of anti-inflammatory agents. Therefore, by recruiting coagulation factors, it enables a quicker transition to the healing process.

  • Baobab oil for providing hydration to the skin.

    Supported by scientific research, baobab oil possesses moisturizing properties. The fatty acids (linoleic acid, oleic acid, etc.) it contains help to maintain skin integrity, and promote skin hydration and elasticity. As a result, the skin becomes more supple, thus reducing the likelihood of stretch marks.

Given its rich composition of micronutrients, baobab oil could potentially be used to make stretch marks less visible. The skin would gain elasticity and could thus withstand the significant tensions exerted on the skin tissues. The emollient properties of baobab oil would also help to soften the skin and minimize the appearance of stretch marks. However, these are hypotheses that require further studies.

Stretch Marks: How to Use Baobab Oil?

Baobab oil could potentially be used, either alone or in combination, in the prevention or reduction of stretch marks. It can be used by pregnant and breastfeeding women and does not require any special precautions. To ensure optimal use and effect, applying the oil through massage is the best way to use baobab oil. Massaging promotes good circulation, maintains skin flexibility, and stimulates cell renewal.

The best approach is to perform daily massages lasting from 5 to 15 minutes, ideally using circular movements and applying a relatively intense pressure. This practice should be maintained over time to achieve the best results. To protect your skin from stretch marks, you can use pure baobab oil or incorporate it into a skincare product, such as our stretch mark gel-to-oil which is composed of baobab oil, Maracuja concentrate, and shea olein.

If you want to try making your stretch marks less visible, make sure to use it on early-stage stretch marks, which are still in the inflammatory phase. You will not observe any effect on mature stretch marks, which are permanent.


  • VILJOEN A. & al. An updated review of Adansonia digitata: A commercially important African tree South African Journal of Botany (2011).

  • BAYAT A. & al. Topical management of striae distensae (stretch marks): prevention and therapy of striae rubrae and albae. Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology (2015).

  • MARIKKAR J. M. N. & al. Evaluation of antioxidant capacity and physicochemical properties of Sudanese baobab (Adansonia digitata) seed- oil. International Food Research Journal (2015).

  • VILJOEN A. & al. Beauty in baobab: a pilot study of the safety and efficacy of Adansonia digitata seed oil. Brazilian Journal of Pharmacognosy (2016).

  • ANDERSEN F. & al. Safety assessment of plant-derived fatty acid oils. International Journal of Toxicology (2017).


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