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An irreversible phenomenon characterized by the partial or total absence of hair. It primarily affects men, although some women also suffer from it. Baldness typically appears between the ages of 25 and 30.
Internal and external causes:
Genetic factors (chromosome X and chromosome 20); hormonal imbalance (excessive production of a testosterone derivative in the hair follicle, dihydrotestosterone, which accelerates the hair life cycle, making hair loss faster); constant stress; deficiency in certain vitamins (H, B6, etc...); use of certain medications (amphetamines, anticoagulants, etc...); certain treatments (radiotherapy, chemotherapy, etc...).
How to reduce or eliminate:
Hair surgery (mini-graft or micro-graft of hair); treatments that prevent the production of dihydrotestosterone such as those based on finasteride; wearing a wig or hairpiece; local application of minoxidil which stimulates hair growth; vitamin therapy with the intake of a combination of vitamins: B5 (dexpanthenol), B6 (pyridoxine), and B7 (vitamin H or biotin) beneficial for the hair follicle.
Preventative steps to take:
Injection of PRP into the scalp; LED helmet sessions; treatments based on minoxidil.