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White wavy lines texture on a surfaceProfile: Sweet Basil Essential Oil with Linalool

Profile: Sweet Basil Essential Oil with Linalool

Commonly known as: Ocimum Basilicum Oil (I.N.C.I.), Linalool Basil, Sweet Basil, French Basil, Garden Basil, Roman Basil, Pistou, Large Basil, Royal Herb, Cobbler's Orange.
Botanical name: Ocimum basilicum L.
Extraction process: Steam distillation of the flowering aerial parts of basil.
Family: Lamiaceae.
Part of the plant extracted: Aerial flowering parts.
Location: Originally from South Asia and Central Africa, today it is cultivated all over the world.
Flowering: July - September.
Provenance, origin: Egypt.
Phytochemical composition: Linalool, eugenol, terpinen-4-ol, trans-beta-ocimene, camphor, 1,8-cineole (eucalyptol), methyl chavicol (estragole), limonene.
Sensorial properties: Appearance: Mobile liquid; Color: Colorless to amber yellow; Scent: Aromatic, spicy, anise-like, sweet.
Physical characteristics: Density: 0.891 - 0.924 g/cm3; Refractive Index: 1.47 - 1.495.
Benefits: Antioxidant, purifying, regenerating, anti-inflammatory, soothing.
Concerns: All skin types, particularly mature, dull, tired, and acne-prone skin; Also recommended in cases of hair loss.



  • Anti-inflammatory: Alleviating inflammation by modulating the secretion of pro-inflammatory cytokines;

  • Antioxidant: Combat the formation of free radicals to help limit photoaging of the skin due to its eugenol content;

  • Purifying: Eliminating excess sebum and destroying bacteria due to its high linalool content, visibly reducing blemishes and limiting potential outbreaks;

  • Regenerative, tonic: Stimulating the activity of the dermal papillae located at the level of the hair follicle bulbs, thereby promoting hair growth, in addition to inhibiting the activity of 5-alpha-reductase, an enzyme responsible for hair loss.


  • Facial Care(serums, creams, makeup removing oils, cleansing gels);

  • Body Care(shower gels, balms, oils, scrubs);

  • Hair Care(shampoos, conditioners, lotions, masks).

Method of Preservation

Essential oils are sensitive to UV radiation. That's why it's recommended to store them in an amber glass bottle, shielded from light in a well-ventilated area, at a stable and moderate temperature.

Contraindications, Usage Precautions

Potentially allergenic. When applied topically, do not use on children under 6 years old and on pregnant and/or breastfeeding women.

Some natural compounds found in this essential oil, such as linalool, eugenol, and limonene, may pose an allergy risk for certain sensitive individuals when the essential oil is incorporated into a cosmetic formulation (according to the 7th Amendment of the European Directive on cosmetic products (2003/15/EC)).

As a general rule, always perform an application test of your preparation on the inside of your elbow, at least 48 hours before using it.

Find out more

Etymologically, the word basil comes from the Greek "basilikos", which means "royal" due to its appreciated scent and aroma by the greatest kings. In India, basil is a sacred plant dedicated to Vishnu and Krishna. According to beliefs, it provides physical and spiritual protection. For instance, in antiquity, the Egyptians used it to make crowns, reputed at that time to protect against the evil eye. Today, over 150 varieties of basil are recognized. The essential oil of sweet basil with linalool has excellent purifying virtues due to its linalool content. It is also antioxidant due to the presence of eugenol and thus helps to limit photoaging of the skin.