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Fausses bonnes idées en cas de canicule.

Heatwave: The Misconceptions

The heat caused by a heatwave pushes you to cool down by any means necessary. However, not all of these reflexes are suitable for the situation, and some can even be dangerous to your health. Being aware of these misconceptions can help avoid problems. Your body will be better equipped to handle the heat, and you can safely navigate through the heatwave period. Let's focus on these actions to avoid.


Take a cold shower.

While this idea may seem appealing at first, it is not recommended during periods of intense heat. Indeed, a cold shower can disrupt the body's temperature regulation as the body will tend to warm itself through the dilation of blood vessels, producing the opposite effect of what is desired.

Drinking too much water.

Drinking water to stay hydrated is crucial during periods of intense heat: it is recommended to consume between 1.5 and 2 liters of water per day. However, when this threshold is exceeded, the body tends to expel the excess water through sweating or by overworking the kidneys or bladder, which can exhaust the body. In certain cases of overhydration, there can be a risk of cerebral edema, which necessitates a trip to the emergency room.

Drinking chilled beverages.

Drinking excessively cold water is a habit to avoid. The refreshing effect is immediate, indeed, but this abrupt temperature change leads to dehydration and stomach cramps. Your body will be forced to work overtime to maintain a temperature around 98.6 °F.

Wait until you're thirsty.

If you feel the urge to drink, it's your body's way of alerting you that it's suffering from dehydration. It's recommended not to drink all at once, but rather regularly throughout the day to maintain a consistent hydration level. Symptoms such as dizziness, fatigue, or headaches can be signs of dehydration. Therefore, it's important to consume water regularly throughout the day.

Open the windows.

At first glance, opening the windows to let in fresh air may seem like a good idea. However, this could potentially allow hot air to enter and not cool the room. It is advisable to half-close the shutters and ventilate at dusk.

Consuming alcoholic beverages.

Generally, alcohol is considered a refreshing beverage. However, this is only the case in the short term. Indeed, this type of drink has a dehydrating effect on the body. It is recommended to favor water and hydrate regularly throughout the day.

Sleeping near a fan.

If you're looking to stay cool at night, it might be tempting to point the fan directly at yourself in hopes of enjoying a steady stream of cool air throughout the night. However, this approach is not advisable. After a few hours, the fan's air can dry out your sinuses and throat, which can lead to discomforts such as cramps or muscle contractions. Moreover, it exposes those with allergies to more airborne impurities. In this case, it's better to direct the fan towards the lower part of your body to promote air circulation without causing any adverse effects.

Setting the air conditioning to its maximum level.

While it's often advised to use an air conditioner, it's not recommended to set it to the lowest possible temperature. Ideally, you should adjust the thermostat to a maximum of 5 degrees below the outdoor temperature. A difference of 8 degrees between the outside and inside is still acceptable. However, a greater difference can weaken the body and increase the risk of falling ill or experiencing heat shock, which can range from loss of consciousness to respiratory failure.


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