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Procédé d'obtention cellules natives de nopal

How are native nopal cells obtained?

Known by the INCI name "Opuntia Ficus-Indica Stem extract", these cells effectively combat signs of aging. They prevent the appearance of pigmentation spots and the formation of wrinkles and fine lines. They are derived from an innovative biotechnological process, detailed in this article.

The nopal, a legendary Mexican cactus.

The nopal, or prickly pear cactus, belongs to the cactus family. Originating from central Mexico, this uniquely shaped cactus, characterized by its organization into cladodes (or pads), appeared in the Old World in the 16th century and has particularly thrived around the Mediterranean. Today, the nopal is cultivated for its edible fruits, which have multiple culinary and medicinal uses, discovered by Mesoamerican populations as early as the 16th century. The nopal is thus associated with healing and antioxidant properties (due to the Vitamin E it contains). It is even considered a potential ally in the case of diabetes, as it may help to reduce glucose and lipids in the blood.

Note : The Prickly Pear Cactus has been featured on the Mexican flag since the country's independence.

Native nopal cells: what are they? how are they obtained?

This is aboutwhole cellstaken from specific areas of the plant. They are the result of a biotechnological process that follows several steps:

  1. Selection of the Plant and Sampling : Taking a piece from the plant (leaves);

  2. Culture In vitro of the harvested plant piece: Successive transfers onto a fresh nutritive medium composed of water, minerals, sugar, and vitamins;

  3. Elicitation: Stimulation of cell culture through UV and visible light to produce metabolites (active molecules);

  4. Rinsing : Removal of all traces of the nutrient medium ;

  5. Cell Filtration ;

  6. Sonication of cells and dispersion of the extract in sunflower oil.

This technique aims to replicate and multiply cells from cellular strains in a controlled environment. This process is not only beneficial for the ecosystem, but also allows for the preservation of all the natural elements of the plant. Rich in essential amino acids, vitamins, and minerals, the nopal native cells thus obtained have a high molecular richness that provides them with a complementary action against other plant extracts (vegetable oils and essential oils).

The regenerative virtues of native nopal cells.

When applied topically, these cells diminish the appearance of both deep and superficial facial wrinkles, particularly in mature skin, around the crow's feet area. Thanks to their antioxidant properties, they also protect DNA and slow down the damage caused by UVB rays. Furthermore, they also limit alterations in pigmentation caused by overexposure to the sun.

Due to their benefits, they are included in our botanical firming blend. This night serum tightens the skin through the toning and regenerating actions of 7 botanical extracts, including immortelle essential oil. This treatment also contains prickly pear vegetable oil for optimal firming effect. Note, this treatment containing essential oils, it is not recommended for pregnant or breastfeeding women and children under 6 years old.


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