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How Do You Produce Sage Hydrosol?

How Do You Produce Sage Hydrosol?

True sage is a shrub that thrives mainly in the Mediterranean region. It is a sacred plant that has been attributed numerous beneficial properties for centuries. The effects of sage are said to be digestive, astringent, wound healing, tonic, cleansing and anti-depressant. It is even said to banish evil spirits and destructive energies. In facial care, its hydrolate has an antioxidant effect and regulates sebum secretion. It also has a cleansing effect and clears irritated scalp. Learn more about the manufacturing process of sage hydrolate here.

Published January 17, 2022, updated on December 12, 2023, by Maylis, Chemical Engineer — 3 min read

Sage hydrolate, a summary.

True sage, with the botanical name Salvia Officinalis, belongs to the labiates family. It is an aromatic plant that grows mainly in the Provence region. Thanks to the active ingredients (eucalyptol, camphor, thujone, bornyl acetate), its hydrolate has several beneficial properties and effects. It regulates sebum production and mattifies mixed and oily skin. In addition, it combats excessive sweating caused by the overactivity of the sweat glands. Thanks to its antioxidant properties, it protects skin and hair from external influences (cigarettes, pollution, UV rays).

How is the hydrolate of sage obtained?

The hydrolate of sage is obtained by hydrodistillation, also called steam distillation. This technique allows to obtain two different fractions: the essential oil and the hydrolate. The process consists of several steps:

  1. First, the leaves are harvested and dried.

  2. Then steam is introduced into a distillation apparatus containing the dried leaves of sage Officinalis. The aromatic essences, which are lighter than water, are transported up the distillation flask and enter the so-called gooseneck.

  3. The water steam enriched with essences is cooled in a condenser and collected in liquid form. This liquid is poured into a settling vessel, where the essential oil and the distillation water separate. The essential oil floats on the surface. It is less dense than the water used for extraction, which is the hydrolate. Since both fractions come from the same plant, they have similar properties. However, the hydrolate has a lower concentration of active ingredients, since the aromatic essences are present in smaller quantities. Therefore, unlike the essential oil, it can be used without side effects.

Note: Salvia Officinalis essential oil is considered neurotoxic due to its high content of thujone. It is on the list of essential oils whose sale is restricted to pharmacists (Code de la santé publique).

Source :

  • FAUCON M. Traité d'aromathérapie scientifique et médicale - les hydrolats (Tome 2). Paru le 13 novembre 2018. 


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