Quels sont les effets du soleil sur l'acné ?

How Does Sunlight Affect Acne?

Many studies have been performed on the effect of sun rays on acne. What does it really look like? Does sun improve acne? Or does it make acne worse? Typology clarifies the matter in this article.

Sun as a Remedy for Acne Breakouts – A Misconception?

Getting out in the sun during the summer months to treat your acne may sound like good advice. That's because UV rays and heat accelerate moisture loss and dry out the skin. As a result, it is less oily, has less sebum on the surface and pores do not clog as quickly. When the skin tans, it also thickens to better protect itself from UV rays. In other words, it builds a protective barrier against the sun. Since the skin surface is thicker and more pigmented, red spots and blemishes are less visible.

Although these effects have been proven for a short-term period, it has also been proven that the UV rays of the sun, in the medium to long term, promote acne.

The drying effect of the sun on acne pimples is only temporary. The same is true for the effect on the sebaceous glands, which are responsible for the production of sebum. At the beginning of summer, sunbathing can make the skin look beautiful. However, after the drying phase, the skin system readjusts to reactive hyperseborrhea. The sebaceous glands produce a vast amount of sebum that tries to reach the surface of the skin. Since the skin is thick, the hair follicles become clogged and sebum accumulates in the openings. This sebum accumulation also promotes the growth of bacteria that cause acne.

In addition, the UV rays also damage the skin cells, causing slight redness or even a more or less painful sunburn. If you then take into account an increased risk of skin cancer, deeper wrinkles and other negative effects, you should generally avoid too much sun, even if you only want to alleviate your acne for a few days!

Hyperpigmentation, Acne Scars and the Sun

When you expose the scars left by acne pimples to the sun, the post-inflammatory marks tend to tan more. This is because the area where the acne pimple was located has an altered surface that produces more melanin. This overproduction is set in motion to protect the skin from UV rays. This makes stubborn brown spots on the surface even more visible.

Make Sure To Stay Out of the Sun When Undergoing Photosensitizing Acne Treatment

Some agents prescribed to relieve acne are photosensitizing: they increase the skin's sensitivity to the sun's UV rays. This is the case, for example, with retinoids (chemical compounds derived from vitamin A and benzoyl peroxide. These compounds not only have a photosensitizing effect, but can also dry out the skin and reduce the stratum corneum, further increasing the skin's susceptibility to sunburn. So apply these molecules well to your skin in the evening and protect yourself from the sun's rays the next day with an appropriate skin care product.

The Right Sunscreen for Acne Prone Skin

To choose a sunscreen that will properly protect your skin, you should always choose products with broad-spectrum protection. This way, the particular skincare product protects against both UVA and UVB rays, which are associated with sunburn, skin cancer, and the signs of premature aging.

Second, you should choose a sunscreen with a sun protection factor (or SPF) that matches your phototype. For example, pale skin types should prefer a sunscreen with an SPF of 50 or more, while for dark skin types, an SPF of 30 is often sufficient.

Finally, if you suffer from acne, selecting a non-comedogenic sunscreen can make all the difference. Non-oily and non-comedogenic formulas are lightweight and won't clog your pores, limiting the appearance of blackheads.

You can use our SPF50 sunscreen for the face with aloe vera. Thanks to its light, fluid texture, it is optimal for oily and acne-prone skin, although it is suitable for all skin types. Moreover, it contains hyaluronic acid, which moisturizes the skin while protecting it.


  • WILLIAMS H. C. & al. Epidemiology of acne vulgaris. British Journal of Dermatology (2012).


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