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New product T34: delivers an immediate healthy glow

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Durée d'une purge de la peau.

How Long Does the Skin Take To Purge?

Skin purging is often mistaken for a rash and occurs after the application of certain active ingredients. Let's review everything you need to know about this phenomenon: Origin, duration, solutions, prevention.

What Is Purging of the Skin?

After using a certain new ingredient for the first time, especially exfoliating and keratoplastic active ingredients, microcomedones may appear on the surface of your skin from one day to the next: This is a phenomenon called skin purging. The theory is that the care "cleans" the skin of impurities that can clog the pores in depth by quickly bringing them to the surface. Although this effect can occur regardless of skin type, it is often seen in blemish-prone skin.

The application of active ingredients loosens dead skin cells from the epidermis and accelerates the cell renewal process, allowing impurities to reach the surface more quickly. As a result, it is often considered a phase in which the skin initially becomes less beautiful, before improving by eliminating blackheads and obtaining clearer skin.

How Long Does Skin Cleansing Last?

Similar to the skin's regeneration cycle, skin purging takes an average of 4 weeks, but can last up to 8 weeks. The active ingredients in skin care products "work" on the skin for at least a month before providing it with the desired effects. However, if you notice more and more blemishes after this time, it may not be cleansing, but the effect of other factors (medications, hormones, etc.) or an adverse reaction to skin care products.

What To Do When Purging of the Skin Occurs?

When the skin goes through the process of cleansing, it is important to maintain a skin care routine. Here are some tips on how to care for your skin during this particular phase.

  • Continue applying skin care. You might be tempted to stop applying skincare, but it's better to stick with it despite the difficulties it brings. Once the cell renewal is complete, you will see all the benefits that the formula has brought to your skin. Besides, what you see on the surface would probably have eventually popped up or remained anchored in the pores, possibly leading to cystic acne over time.

  • Avoid touching or piercing the pimples. No matter how tempting it may be, don't mess with your pimples, as this can lead to inflammation or even scarring.

  • Avoid skin care products that dry out the skin. If you use exfoliating products, you should avoid anything that could lead to dry skin. Instead, moisturize your skin as best you can by using a skincare product that is formulated for your skin type. Dehydrated skin increases sebum production, which can worsen blemishes.

  • Protect your skin from the sun. Remember to apply a sunscreen daily to avoid making the situation worse, especially if you use skincare products based on AHA and retinol.

Is It Possible To Prevent Purging of the Skin?

If you plan to use new skin care products, you should introduce them gradually so that the skin can get used to them. Start by introducing one product and wait a few days before adding another.

Also, it's best to start gradually, such as applying skincare twice a week for a month and then transitioning to every other night until you use it daily or according to the manufacturer's instructions. Thus, the skin can gradually adapt to the ingredients.


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