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Comment ne pas se faire piquer par un insecte ?

How to avoid getting bitten by an insect?

Unfortunately, summer often means the risk of sometimes painful and often bothersome insect bites. Moreover, during the summer period, it is customary to dress in light clothing that exposes many parts of the body, which are susceptible to bites. Follow our advice to avoid these stings.

Why do insects bite us?

With the heat of summer, insects become numerous. Before trying to avoid their bites, it is essential to understand why this happens.

Among the most common insects, we find mosquitoes, bees, and wasps. In the case of mosquitoes, only the female bites to feed on human blood for reproduction. Bees and wasps, on the other hand, only sting when they feel threatened. Moreover, other insects can also cause bites, such as ants, horseflies, spiders, and chiggers.

Insect bites can range in discomfort from mild to severe. They often leave bumps, redness, or red patches on the skin. To avoid them, there are a few simple measures to know and follow.

How to protect yourself from mosquito bites?

Mosquitoes are primarily active at night during our sleep. The two species that bite the most are the tiger mosquito and the common mosquito. They can be quickly differentiated by their size: the tiger mosquito is five times smaller than its common cousin . As its name suggests, its body is striped black and white, both the abdomen and the legs. The tiger mosquito is more dangerous than the common mosquito because it can carry viruses such as those of chikungunya, dengue, and zika.To avoid their bites, several tips exist.

  • Wear clothing that covers the skin, even in the heat. You can choose lightweight fabric clothing to limit the uncomfortable sensations associated with high temperatures.

  • Instead of using chemical insect repellents, consider using lavender or citronella to ward off mosquitoes. You can place these near your window, or diffuse lavender or citronella essential oil in the room.

  • If it is possible, especially in countries where mosquitoes are prevalent, sleeping under a mosquito net remains the most effective solution to avoid bites.

How to avoid wasp and bee stings?

Bee stings are common from May to July, while wasps are more prevalent from July to September. As their stings are often more dangerous than those of mosquitoes, it is essential to protect oneself.

  • During the months of May through September, avoid fragrances or scented products (especially floral scents) during your outings.

  • Avoid wearing loose and brightly colored clothing when you are outdoors.

  • Do not approach dead wood where bee nests are often found.

  • Also avoid stagnant water, where bees and wasps often come to hydrate themselves.

  • During outdoor meals or picnics, avoid sweet foods, meats, and beer which attract wasps and bees. Always check for the presence of insects before drinking from an open bottle or can.

  • If a bee or wasp is buzzing around you, avoid making sudden movements. Instead, try to remain still or make slow, calm movements to ward it off.

Protecting oneself from tick bites.

Another insect whose bite is to be feared: ticks. These are mites that feed on the blood of other living beings. They are particularly active from May to October. Their bites can transmit various diseases, including Lyme disease, which is linked to an infection by the bacteria Borrelia. Simple actions can help prevent tick bites:

  • Do not walk in bushes and areas of dense vegetation. In the forest, try as much as possible to stay on the cleared trails.

  • When venturing out into nature, always wear long, covering clothing.

Let's remember that a tick bite is not dangerous,provided it is addressed in a timely manner. After spending time in nature, one should examine their body and skin to detect any ticks. As a reminder, the tick often remains attached to the skin, with its head embedded.


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