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How to combat hair loss?

How to combat hair loss?

Hair loss is a normal process, as between 50 and 150 hairs fall out each day depending on their type, age, season, or even genetics. However, hair loss can increase due to various factors: hormonal changes, illness, or stress. We provide our advice to combat hair loss.

Published June 27, 2023, updated on May 29, 2024, by Manon, Scientific Editor — 4 min read

What are the causes of hair loss?

Each of our hairs has a life cycle composed of 3 stages: a growth phase (anagen phase), a period of cellular rest where there is no more growth (catagen phase), and a phase during which the hair detaches from its hair follicle and falls out (telogen phase). We lose between 50 and 150 hairs daily. Indeed, 85% of the hair is in the growth phase, 5% in the rest phase, while the remaining 10% are in the shedding phase. Hair has a lifespan of 2 to 7 years and is continuously replaced. However, certain factors can disrupt their life cycle and promote their fall. The causes are numerous:

  • A hormonal disruption;

  • Stress;

  • Poor nutrition;

  • A deficiency;

  • Extreme fatigue;

  • A change of season,

  • An emotional shock;

  • A disease.

Some treatments can reduce hair loss when shedding is more significant than usual. The proposed formulas either promote growth or address the root cause of the hair loss.

What can be done about hair loss?

Occasional hair loss is triggered by a change that disrupts the body. This can be the result of a deficiency in vitamins or minerals, a hormonal variation, or even a change in season. To help the hair cope with loss, it is necessary to use appropriate treatments.

Some treatments promote hair regrowth, thus preventing a thinning effect on the scalp. Thanks to the peptides it contains, our densifying scalp treatment works at two levels of the hair life cycle. It extends the growth phase of the hair (anagen phase), and shortens the maturity phase of the hair (telogen phase), which is the one preceding hair loss. This treatment is effective against occasional or chronic hair loss.

It is also possible to turn to hair care products containing ginseng. The ginsenosides, the main active ingredient of ginseng, regulate the expression and activity of the key proteins involved in the phases of the hair cycle. Indeed, recent studies have shown that this plant extract is capable of facilitating the telogen-anagen transition of follicular cells and increasing the number of hair follicles in the anagen phase.

A deficiency in certain minerals can also be the cause of hair loss. In such cases, it is possible to compensate for this deficiency by taking them in the form of dietary supplements.

For your information: there are also treatments specialized in hair loss, however, medical advice is necessary.

How to prevent hair loss?

Using suitable hair care products is a solution to consider for combating hair loss. Moreover, adopting certain practices can help prevent hair loss.

  • Limit the use of hair coloring, relaxers, or even straightening treatments;

  • Use a gentle shampoo that does not contain sulfates or silicones to wash your hair;

  • Furthermore, adopting a healthy and balanced diet is important for maintaining healthy hair. Prioritize foods rich in iron, fatty acids, zinc, and vitamin B.

Hair naturally falls out. This is a normal part of life. The normal range of hair loss is between 50 and 150 strands per day. Beyond this, hair loss could be the result of a health issue and medical advice is necessary to determine the appropriate course of action.


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