Prendre soin peau bébé.

How to take care of the skin of infants and children?

The skin serves as the body's primary defense against external aggressions. To maintain its protective functions, it is essential to take care of it. This is even more true for newborns and children, whose skin is more delicate than that of adults and requires special attention. Here are all our tips for taking care of baby's skin.

Advice #1: Use suitable skincare products.

The skin of babies tends to be thinner and drier than that of adults. The fragility of their skin barrier requires the daily application of nourishing and protective balms and lotions, rich in avocado oil, mango butter, or shea butter. It is preferable to use one's hands to apply the treatments and to rub gently. Indeed, a washcloth can be too rough for a baby's soft skin and harbor bacteria. Rinse thoroughly then pat gently the skin with a soft and fluffy towel, not forgetting the folds, to absorb all the moisture and reduce the risk of irritation.

When it comes to choosing which products to use, we recommend opting for skincare products with a simple formulationas possible, in order to reduce the risk of allergies. In children and infants, dyes, fragrances, alcohol derivatives, and foaming agents should be avoided as they often prove to be irritating and can cause redness, itching, and skin dryness.

Advice #2: Space out the baths.

Water, especially when it contains limestone, can disrupt the pH and the almost non-existent hydrolipidic barrier of a baby's skin. Indeed, even though it may seem counterintuitive, water has a drying effect on the skin. Newborns are naturally prone to skin dryness, so it's better to minimize risks and limit baths to 2 or 3 times a week. On other days, a body milk cleanse is sufficient. During the bath, also ensure not to use water that's too hot, which could irritate the baby's skin

Advice #3: Properly hydrate the skin of newborns.

It is crucial tomoisturize daily your baby's skin to protect it against external elements such as wind, cold, dust, and pollution. Applying a balm, milk, or moisturizing cream in the morning and evening can partially compensate for their skin's fragility. Just like with other skincare products, we recommend you to opt for a moisturizer specifically designed to meet the needs of infants and has a minimalist formula. Apply the care product over the entire face and body, gently massaging it in, and don't forget the area behind the ears, which is prone to redness and irritation and often overlooked.

Advice #4: Choose soft materials for clothing and household linens.

Caring for the skin of infants and children also involves minimizing friction. Rubbing against clothing, bed sheets, or bath towels can irritate their still sensitive skin, so it is advisable to choose clothes made of natural fabric such as cotton or linen. The same goes for household linens. Another tip: don't forget to cut off the tags to prevent itching.

Children's clothing, especially that of infants, should be changed daily, particularly in the event of diaper accidents, bottle spills, stains, etc... Furthermore, when it comes to cleaning household linens and children's and baby's clothing, it is recommended to pay attention to the choice of laundry detergent. A detergent free of fragrances and allergens, specifically formulated for washing their items, is ideal.

Advice #5: Avoid exposure to the sun.

Still unable to protect itself from ultraviolet rays, children's skin must be rigorously shielded from the sun. Any direct exposure should be absolutely avoided, as studies have established a strong correlation between sun exposure in young children and the development of melanoma once they become adults. When you go out with your child on sunny days, it's important for them to wear a wide-brimmed hat, sunglasses, covering clothes, and a sunscreen with an SPF of 50. Moreover, it's preferable to use only mineral filters for children under two years old, due to their skin's high permeability and the risk of allergies.


  • ATHERTON D. & MILLS K. What can be done to maintain the health of a baby's skin? RCM Midwives (2004).

  • KOLLIAS N. & al. Infant skin physiology and development during the first years of life: a review of recent findings based on in vivo studies. International Journal of Cosmetic Science (2010).

  • HACHEM J. P. & al. Infant Epidermal Skin Physiology: Adaptation After Birth. British Journal of Dermatology (2012).

  • LOW K. Y. & WALLACE M. Prevalence of potential contact allergens in baby cosmetic products. Clinical and experimental dermatology (2019).


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