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Essential Oil of Field Mint

Commonly known as: Mentha Arvensis Flower/Leaf/Stem Oil (I.N.C.I.), also known as Japanese Mint, Wild Mint, Eel Grass, and Ginger Mint.
Botanical name: Mentha arvensis.
Extraction process: Distillation by steam stripping.
Family: Lamiaceae.
Part of the plant extracted: Aerial parts.
Location: Originating from the temperate regions of Europe and Central and Western Asia, to the east of the Himalayas and Siberia.
Flowering: From June to October.
Provenance, origin:
Phytochemical composition: Limonene, menthol, pulegone, myrcene, sabinene, neo-isomenthol, menthyl acetate, octanol-3, piperitone, isopulegol, alpha-pinene, beta-pinene, neo-menthol, menthone, isomenthone, menthyl acetate, linalool, piperitenone, carvone.
Sensorial properties: Appearance: Clear liquid; Color: Colorless to pale yellow; Scent: Fresh, minty.
Physical characteristics: Density: 0.890 - 0.910; Soluble in alcohol, fats, and emulsions; Insoluble in water, hydrosols, and aqueous gels; Maximum dilution of 2%.
Benefits: Tonic, refreshing, anti-inflammatory, purifying, anti-bacterial, decongestant.
Concerns: All skin types, especially sensitive skin, skin prone to redness and itching, and blemished skin.



Hair Care (shampoos); Hygiene (solid soaps, toothpastes, deodorants).

Method of Preservation

Essential oils are sensitive to UV radiation. That's why it's recommended to store them in an amber glass bottle, protected from air, heat, and light.

Contraindications, Usage Precautions

The essential oil of field mint has a high content of ketones. This is why it is contraindicated for pregnant or breastfeeding women, children under 6 years old, individuals with asthma, epilepsy, or allergies to any of the components. This essential oil can be allergenic and irritating to the skin, it should not be used undiluted and a patch test should always be performed in the crook of the elbow 24 hours before use.

Note : At room temperature, field mint essential oil can form crystals. However, this in no way alters its properties.

Find out more

Field mint is a perennial herbaceous plant that reaches a height of 10 - 60 cm. It is often confused with Canadian mint (Mentha canadensis), a mint native to North America and East Asia. In health, the essential oil of field mint is known for its vasoconstrictor action to soothe migraines when applied locally. It is also indicated for concentration disorders and to relieve pain.