Pimplescan affect all skin types. Castor oil has antibacterial and antifungal properties, but can it really help soothe this skin condition? We're here to help you understand better.

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- Active Ingredients
- Is castor oil effective against acne?
Is castor oil effective against acne?
Acne: Definition and Causes.
Acne is a chronic inflammatory disease that results in the inflammation of the hair -sebaceous follicles. It is accompanied by unsightly pimples and generally by a permanently oily skin. According to the S.F.D. (French Society of Dermatology), 15 million people in France are affected by acne problems, including 3.3 million aged over 15 years. This skin disorder affects about 80% of teenagers (of which 15% have severe acne) and nearly 25% of adults, particularly women. It can appear both on the face and certain parts of the body (chest, back, buttocks...). The primary reason for consultation with a dermatologist, this skin condition can lead to a lack of self-confidence and significant psychological distress.
Biologically speaking, when one has acne, the sebaceous glands secrete a sebum that is too thick (dysseborrhea) or in excess (hyperseborrhea), which clogs the pores and results in pimples and/or blackheads. This condition is often triggered by stress, pollution, and hormones. An unhealthy lifestyle (lack of sleep, smoking, unbalanced diet, poor hygiene…) can also trigger or worsen this sebum alteration leading to the appearance of skin imperfections. Moreover, in this fat-rich environment, a bacterium usually present in small amounts on the skin, Propionibacterium acnes, proliferates, which triggers an inflammatory response on the skin surface.
Can castor oil be recommended for acne-prone skin?
Thecastor oil is primarily composed of ricinoleic acid (from 83% to 88%). This fatty acid is known for its bactericidal and antifungal properties. It helps to combat the spread of P. acnes and thus purifies acne-prone skin. Moreover, castor oil is low in comedogenicity (comedogenicity index = 1). It does not clog pores and does not lead to the formation of new blemishes. In a way, skincare products based on castor oil dislodge bacteria and impurities, clogging the pores and causing the appearance of pimples. Additionally, they regulate sebum production.
How to use this vegetable oil to combat acne? It remains a viscous and quite thick oil! If you have oily skin, do not use it pure but incorporate a few drops into your usual cream. Otherwise, you can use a treatment already enriched with castor oil.
Akwasi YEBOAH & al., Castor oil (Ricinus communis): a review on the chemical composition and physicochemical properties, Food Science and Technology, (2021).
Vinay M., Caster oil, Academia
Iqbal J, et al. Antioxidant, antimicrobial, and free radical scavenging potential of aerial parts of Periploca aphylla and Ricinus communis. ISRN Pharmacol, (2012).
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