Is it necessary to shower every day? This is a topic that doesn't have everyone in agreement. While some can't imagine going a day without taking a good shower, others can skip it for one or two days, or even more. But is it really necessary to wash our entire body every day?

Is it possible to take multiple showers a day?
- What are the risks of excessive hygiene?
- How to define the ideal frequency for showering?
- How to balance hygiene and skin health?
What are the risks of excessive hygiene?
Constant use of tap water, which contains limestone, and daily soap use can make the skin vulnerable and irritable to external aggressions and diseases. Indeed, the friction during showering and the components of soap cause a loss of part of the hydrolipidic film. This thin layer plays a crucial role in skin protection, as it retains hydration and acts as a barrier that prevents bacteria from penetrating.
Soap, especially when made from chemical ingredients, can also dry out the skin when applied excessively. Flaking can also occur due to repeated soaping. Individuals suffering from atopic dermatitis, such as eczema, and those with sensitive skin are particularly vulnerable to dryness. Additionally, tap water rich in limestone disrupts the skin barrier. In reality, the skin is not designed to be stripped every day.
How to define the ideal frequency for showering?
The need for showering varies from person to person, and between sexes. The primary objective of taking a shower is to rid oneself of dirt, bacteria, and unpleasant odors. However, perspiration and the emergence of body odors do not manifest in the same way for everyone. For instance, individuals with oily skin or those who are overweight may develop body odors quickly. Similarly, men tend to sweat more than women. Here are a few factors that can influence the need or lack thereof to shower daily:
· The profession: Those who work on construction sites, in kitchens, in factories, outdoors under the sun, etc. often have to shower every day.
· Activity: those who engage in sports every day, garden, carry objects, etc., also need to shower to eliminate sweat.
· The lifestyle.
· The season: in summer, people need to shower every day, while in winter, it's not always necessary.
How to balance hygiene and skin health?
Given that daily use of soap and hard water is not beneficial for the skin, it's crucial to find the right balance. It's important to distinguish between taking a shower and performing a basic cleanse. For those who do not engage in dirty work and do not sweat excessively, a basic daily cleanse is sufficient. This basic cleanse involves washing the body parts that generate odor and are exposed: the armpits, feet, hands, face, and genital areas. For those who need to shower fully every day, it's best to opt for gentle, natural soaps or gels. It's also recommended to apply a moisturizing or nourishing treatment after the shower to preserve the skin's hydrolipidic film. At Typology, our moisturizer with 10 natural ingredients helps strike the balance between daily hygiene and skin protection.
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