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Subcutaneous Cysts

A non-contagious swelling filled with a liquid or semi-solid fluid, which can be felt. It manifests as a round, loose ball, varying in size from a few millimeters to several centimeters. It can be found anywhere on the body, but more frequently on the back, groin, face, scalp and chest, where the sebaceous glands are most numerous. If the cyst is less than 1 cm in diameter, spontaneous regression is possible. There are two types of skin cysts: epidermal cysts, which are located in the epidermis and consist mainly of keratin, and dermal cysts (of which sebaceous cysts are the most frequent), which consist of an envelope containing a thick whitish substance composed of sebum and keratin. They result when the excretion canal of a sebaceous gland, where sebum transits in order to reach the surface of the skin, is blocked. Although skin cysts are usually painless and not serious, they can sometimes become infected due to pressure ("fiddling") and repeated rubbing. In this case, there are additional complications: an inflammatory reaction with redness, increase in size, a sensation of heat, increased pain.
Internal and external causes:
Hormonal imbalance, local inflammation, repeated rubbing, certain pathologies, certain medications.
How to reduce or eliminate:
Consult a dermatologist; no treatment necessary if it is not annoying or infected; avoid manipulating it, don't pierce it so that it does not become infected; get a local antiseptic or antibiotic treatment (if infected); surgical intervention under local anesthesia by drainage with a syringe or by incision followed by extraction of the mass
Preventative steps to take:
Adopt good skin hygiene; shower daily, especially after physical activity; avoid wearing synthetic clothing.