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Colored Hair

Colored hair requires special attention to maintain its shine and health. Coloring can indeed weaken the hair fiber, making the hair more susceptible to external aggressions, such as the sun, heat, and chemicals. To prolong the color and prevent it from fading quickly, it is important to adopt a specific care routine. Here are some tips.
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How to maintain colored hair?

To maintain your hair's new color, it is recommended to use products specifically formulated for colored hair, to hydrate it, and to avoid washing too frequently, which can potentially cause the color to fade.

How to prevent a color from turning yellow?

The regular use of certain neutralizing shampoos (blue or purple) along with the systematic protection of your hair from UV rays using a sun care product can limit the risks of color alteration.

Can chlorine from a swimming pool alter hair coloration?

In theory, if the hair dye is of good quality, it is not supposed to be altered by the chlorine in the pool. However, as a precautionary principle, it is recommended to wear a swimming cap to protect the hair in the pool.

Are plant-based hair dyes gentler on the hair?

Indeed, plant-based hair dyes are gentler on the hair and less frequently cause allergies. However, they tend to not last as long.

Can colored hair be straightened?

The heat from straightening can damage colored hair fibers, which are already weakened. Therefore, it is recommended to use a thermal protective treatment before any styling.



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