After physical exercise, during a hot period or even after severe stress, you sweat more. You feel the need to reapply a deodorant to cover the unpleasant odor. How often should you apply a deodorant throughout the day? Here is all the information you need to know about sweating and the recommended number of deodorant applications.

This Is How Many Times a Day You Should Apply a Deodorant
- What Is Sweating?
- How Many Times Should You Apply Deodorant During the Day?
- Deodorant and Antiperspirant: What’s the Difference?
What Is Sweating?
Sweating or perspiration is the release of sweat, produced by the sweat glands, through the pores of the skin. Sweating has several functions in the body:
A thermoregulatory function: it allows heat to be released through the skin, lowering body temperature in hot weather. The normal internal temperature of our body is 37°C. Large temperature fluctuations (hypothermia and hyperthermia) lead to serious complications (convulsions, unconsciousness...). Maintaining a body temperature of 37°C is therefore of vital importance.
Excretory function: toxins and waste products are eliminated through sweat.
Moisturizing function: Sweat is a component of the hydrolipid film. This protects the skin from external influences and helps to maintain its moisture content.
The sweat glands secrete one liter of sweat per day. In summer or during intense physical activity, this amount can increase to up to four liters!
Sweating can be annoying, especially when it gets out of hand. In addition, unpleasant odor causes discomfort. Surprisingly, sweat is odorless at the time of its secretion. However, when the milky sweat produced by the apocrine glands comes into contact with bacteria, the commonly known sweaty odor is released!
How Many Times Should You Apply Deodorant During the Day?
A deodorant helps prevent the development of unpleasant odors by killing the bacteria on the surface of the skin. Thanks to the fragrance and masking agents, the deodorant also helps to mask possible bad odors. You can repeat the application of the deodorant once a day, but not more! To effectively fight bad body odor, you should follow some rules:
A second application of deodorant is useless if you apply it on already sweaty skin. You should wash and dry your armpits before applying another layer of deodorant.
To optimize the effectiveness of deodorant, you should apply deodorant at night before going to bed. The sweat glands are not very active when you sleep. Therefore, the deodorant has time to develop its effect without its effect being limited by sweat. The next day, you can shower as usual.
If you apply your deodorant in the morning after showering, you should wait until your skin is dry. This is because the deodorant can adhere better to dry skin.
The sweat glands are located in the armpits and under the surrounding skin. Therefore, it is necessary to apply the deodorant under the armpits and in the surrounding area.
Apply the deodorant on clean, dry and healthy skin. Avoid applying deodorant after shaving, waxing or when injured. Always wait at least two hours before applying deodorant to newly depilated armpits.
Avoid eating certain foods (spicy foods, alcohol, coffee...) when sweating excessively, as they increase body temperature.
Wear loose clothing and prefer natural materials such as cotton, linen and silk.
Deodorant and Antiperspirant: What’s the Difference?
The difference between deodorant and antiperspirant lies in their mode of action.
A deodorant fights unpleasant odors by reducing bacteria on the surface of the skin. It also masks odors through its fragrance. It can absorb moisture because it contains certain porous powders such as diatomaceous earth or white clay.
An antiperspirant fights unpleasant odors by blocking perspiration. It reduces perspiration with the help of ingredients such as aluminum salts. These contract the pores and thus reduce perspiration. The antiperspirant also kills the bacteria that are on the surface of the skin.
Note: In everyday language, the term "deodorant" is used more often than "antiperspirant". So sometimes people talk about a deo with aluminum salts, although it is actually an antiperspirant.
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