Quand appliquer son déodorant ou son anti-transpirant ?

When Should You Apply Your Deodorant or Antiperspirant?

In the world of body care, numerous products are offered to reduce excessive sweating and/or neutralize unpleasant odors. This is also the case with deodorants and antiperspirants. When should these products be used? What are the differences between them?

What Are the Differences Between a Deodorant and an Antiperspirant?

Both deodorant and antiperspirant are used to combat unpleasant odors. However, they differ in their mode of action.

Antiperspirant fights perspiration odor by blocking sweat. It reduces perspiration through ingredients such as aluminum salts. When these compounds are applied to the skin, they combine with dead skin cells to form plugs that clog sweat glands, blocking sweating. In addition, aluminum salts are bactericidal. They fight the proliferation of bacteria that are found en masse in the armpits and are the cause of bad odors.

A deodorant serves to mask or prevent the appearance of unpleasant odors of sweat by absorbing moisture thanks to its ingredients (talc, kaolin, magnesite...). Deodorant also prevents unpleasant odors by killing the bacteria on the surface of the skin. Nevertheless, deodorant does not contain aluminum salts; it does not prevent sweat from draining naturally through the pores of the skin.

As for the form, deodorants and antiperspirants come in various forms, from solid stick to roll-on to spray or deodorant cream.

Note: In colloquial language, the term "deodorant" is used more frequently than "antiperspirant". Thus, people sometimes speak of a deodorant with aluminum salts, although it is actually an antiperspirant.

When Should You Apply a Deodorant?

As already mentioned, deodorant masks unpleasant odors. However, due to its ingredients and the absence of aluminum salts, this product does not stop the removal and discharge of sweat.

Using deodorant is recommended if you want to mask body odor. In case of excessive sweating, deodorants do not block the sweat and you may still get stains on your clothes.

As for the ideal time to apply this type of product, it tends to be in the evening before bedtime. The sweat glands are not very active when you sleep. Therefore, the deodorant has time to work its magic without its effect being limited by sweat. The next day, you can shower as usual.

Before applying a deodorant in the form of a stick, roll-on, spray or cream, make sure your skin is clean and dry. You won't get the results you want if your underarms are still damp, especially when you get out of the shower. If you are already sweating, you should avoid wearing multiple layers of deodorant on top of each other. This is because the bacteria responsible for the bad odor have started to multiply on your epidermis. In this case, you should clean your armpits with soap and water before applying another layer of deodorant.

When Should You Use an Antiperspirant?

Unlike deodorant, antiperspirant blocks perspiration. It contains active ingredients, especially aluminum salts, which act directly on the transport of sweat through the skin. Their task is to form a protective film over the sweat glands, which are responsible for the production and removal of sweat. Antiperspirant also acts as a deodorant by masking unpleasant odors and reducing the number of bacteria.

The use of an antiperspirant is recommended to alleviate excessive sweating. This care also provides long-lasting protection while preventing unpleasant odors.

Antiperspirant is best applied in the evening before going to bed and after showering. At this time, the body is quite cool and the sweat glands are less active. The effect of the antiperspirant is then not blocked by the flow of sweat. In addition, the glands are strengthened in the morning and are less susceptible to the effect of the blocking ingredients of the care product. As with a deodorant, it is also advisable to apply an antiperspirant to clean and dry skin.


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