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After Exercise: Recommendations for Showering.

After Exercise: Recommendations for Showering.

Engaging in physical activity stimulates perspiration. Therefore, it can be tempting to shower immediately after exerting oneself. However, could this action pose a health risk? Furthermore, should one favor hot or cold water? Here are some recommendations if you wish to shower after exercising.

Why should you shower after exerting effort?

Taking a shower after each workout session is not optional. This act is crucial for body hygiene. Indeed, when you engage in physical activity, your body temperature rises. You then begin to sweat to expel this heat and cool down. However, without cleansing, sweat can stagnate when it comes into contact with bacteria that develop on the skin's surface. This phenomenon is the source of the unpleasant odors associated with perspiration. Neglecting to shower after exercise can also lead to skin rashes, irritations, and infections, particularly in the case of injuries (such as scratches). Indeed, during a workout session, toxins can be expelled through sweat and accumulate on the surface of the epidermis.

Wait a while before taking a shower.

After a workout session, your body needs time to regulate its temperature. As evidence, it's not uncommon for the phenomenon of perspiration to continue, even after exertion. If you take a shower at this moment, you add stress to your body. You've probably noticed that when you shower immediately after your workout, you continue to sweat and feel hot. For your well-being, it's best to wait about thirty minutes before washing. This will also give you time to stretch and hydrate.

Opt for lukewarm water at the beginning.

To avoid thermal shocks, we advise you to steer clear of excessively hot or cold showers and instead rinse with lukewarm water. Indeed, overly cold water can constrict blood vessels and cause a sudden rise in arterial pressure, while excessively hot water can increase the size of blood vessels (vasodilation) and thus a decrease in the return flow of blood to the heart. Consequently, this can potentially cause a problem with blood supply to the brain and sometimes even lead to a loss of consciousness.


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