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Anti-aging: Should we start as early as 30 years old?

Anti-aging: Should we start as early as 30 years old?

At the age of 30, the skin begins to lose its suppleness. Pollution, stress, smoking, and repeated exposure to UV rays are all factors that promote the development of free radicals, which will accelerate skin aging. A common mistake would be to think that it's still too early to take action. On the contrary: at 30, one of your priorities should be to prevent the appearance of the first signs of aging.

How to recognize the first signs of aging?

Over the years, the skin's appearance changes. It loses elasticity, small wrinkles and fine lines begin to form at the corners of the eyes, and pigmented spots appear. This is accompanied by a duller complexion and a less radiant look. But at 30, there is still plenty of time to take action.

What skincare routine should be adopted at 30 years old?

  1. Strengthening the skin's protective barriers:

    Initially, it is essential to slightly alter one's habits. The skin is constantly exposed to external aggressions that boost the production of free radicals, leading to a state of "oxidative stress". In addition to sun protection that is suitable, it is therefore recommended to apply every day a antioxidant serum, which will slow down the proliferation of free radicals and prevent premature photo-aging of the skin. If it also has an anti-inflammatory action, the production of melanin will be regulated, reducing the appearance of the infamous brown spots.

  2. Tightening the skin:

    When the first signs of skin sagging appear, traditional hydration is no longer sufficient. One must turn towards specific firming treatments enriched with retinol (also known as Vitamin A), recognized as one of the most effective tightening agents in the treatment of mature skin. On a deeper level, this active ingredient stimulates the production of hyaluronic acid, limiting the degradation of collagen and elastin, for skin that is both more supple and firm.

  3. Assisting the skin in its regeneration process:

    Beyond protection, hydration, and firming, one of the major challenges as we approach our thirties is to give the skin a little boost to aid in its regeneration. Each evening, two steps are essential, and they are not the most unpleasant: apply a serum enriched with retinol to encourage collagen production, thus preventing the skin from sagging and wrinkling easily. Good news: it is during sleep that the skin reaches its peak of cellular renewal. Therefore, complete your evening routine by applying a active firming agent in place of your night cream, gently massaging your face with small circular movements. Upon waking, you'll find your skin smoother and more plump.

  4. And the body?

    The first signs of aging are not limited to the face. From the age of 30, don't hesitate to tackle sagging skin head-on by using a firming plant-based oil enriched with vitamin E and essential fatty acids every day, which will nourish and help the skin regain tone and flexibility.


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