Peut-on utiliser l'hydrolat de fleurs d'oranger sur les cheveux ?

Can You Use Orange Blossom Hydrolate on Your Hair?

Also called Neroli, orange blossom comes from the orange tree. It is a thorny tree native to India. Its hydrosol is soothing, toning and regenerating. It is suitable for all skin types, even the youngest, and can also be used on the hair. Discover its benefits in hair application.

The Virtues of Orange Blossom Hydrolate on Hair.

Orange blossoms grow on the Bitter Orange tree. This shrub appears around the Mediterranean (and particularly in Andalusia) following the Crusades. The orange flower is also called "neroli", in reference to the Princess of Neroli (Italian city) who introduced its use in the 16th century.

Its hydrolate is obtained by steam distillation of dried flowers. It has a strong antioxidant activity and fights free radicals. When applied to the skin, it helps to restore radiance to the complexion and illuminate the skin. For the hair, it has several benefits listed below.

  • It revitalizes dehydrated and dry hair, moisturizes hair fibers and brings shine.

  • The terpenes it contains (linalool, limonene...) have anti-inflammatory properties. Orange blossom hydrosol is therefore recommended for soothing irritated scalps prone to itching and/or redness.

  • Rich in vitamin C and polyphenols, antioxidant compounds, this floral water protects the hair from external aggressions (pollution, sun, cigarettes...) which generate an overproduction of free radicals. This phenomenon called oxidative stress is a factor linked to the deterioration of hair fibers, the appearance of white hair or hair loss. Orange blossom hydrolate and the molecules it contains neutralize free radicals to prevent them from harming your hair and keep it looking beautiful for as long as possible.

  • In addition, its fruity and intoxicating scent helps to soothe the nerve system and helps you fall asleep. Thus, spraying orange blossom hydrosol on your hair before bedtime can be a wise ritual.

In Which Care Products Can You Find Orange Blossom Hydrosol?

In a cosmetic formula, it is referenced under the I.N.C. name "Citrus Aurantium Amara Flower Water". In capillary application, orange blossom hydrolate is used in the composition of certain shampoos for dry and damaged hair. A natural substance that is gentle and very well tolerated, it is also found in shampoos and detangling products for children's hair. It can also be used alone, as a mist, to be applied to dry hair. For example, our orange blossom hydrosol can be rubbed into the hair before sun exposure to protect it from UV damage or before bedtime for soft, shiny hair in the morning.

Sources :

  • FARAMARZI M. A. & al. GC/MS Analysis of Citrus aurantium L. hydrolate and its comparison with the commercial samples. International Journal of Production Research (2004).

  • H. Z. E. JAAFAR & al. Phenolic compounds characterization and biological activities of Citrus aurantium bloom. Molecules (2012).


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