We are not all genetically equal when it comes to skin aging. However, numerous environmental factors contribute to the acceleration of this phenomenon. Knowing them is the best solution to prevent their effects on your skin.

- Carnet
- Skin Concerns
- Five tips to slow down skin aging.
Five tips to slow down skin aging.
- 1. Drink a minimum of 1.5 L of water per day
- 2. Daily external hydration of the skin
- 3. Effectively protecting your skin from the sun
- 4. Varying one's diet
- 5. Do not smoke
- Sources
1. Drink a minimum of 1.5 L of water per day.
The secret to plump and radiant skin lies in the deep hydration of the various skin layers. Indeed, water intake must compensate for losses. In an adult, these amount to about 2.5 L of water per day. In fact, more than a liter of water is excreted through urine, and the same amount through sweat, feces, and respiration. However, the quantity varies depending on several factors (external temperature, physical activity, etc.). To balance these losses, a good portion is recovered through food. Therefore, there is still 1.5 L to be provided by beverages!
2. Daily external hydration of the skin.
Every day, a small portion of the water contained in the dermis evaporates: this is what we call insensible water loss (I.W.L.). To balance these losses, it is necessary to limit this evaporation phenomenon by applying emollient products such as vegetable oils — in the regimen most suitable for your skin type. Not to forget that over the years, the production of hyaluronic acid naturally present in the skin decreases. Derived from the fermentation of wheat germ, this large molecule can absorb up to 1,000 times its weight in water, giving the skin a more supple appearance: this property is called hygroscopy. A moisturizing face cream or a serum enriched with hyaluronic acid will therefore be an ally to limit this water loss and thus slow down the appearance of the first wrinkles.
3. Effectively protecting your skin from the sun.
The sun is the primary culprit of skin aging. UVA rays are the most harmful, as they penetrate deeper into the dermis than UVB rays, and are capable of passing through clouds and glass. These radiations have the effect of breaking down collagen and elastin fibers. The non-functional tissues accumulate in the dermis, leading to skin thickening and deep wrinkles. The body has a few defenses against UV rays, such as melanin. It's worth noting that skincare products enriched with antioxidants (ferulic acid, resveratrol and vitamin C), as well as carotenoids, such as the carrot oil macerate, help protect the skin from the harmful effects of UVA rays. Otherwise, remember to use a broad-spectrum sun protection every day, even on rainy days, and to reapply it every hour.
4. Varying one's diet.
A study published in the Journal of the American College of Nutritioncompared the dietary habits of 450 subjects over the age of 70, living in various countries: Australia, Greece, Sweden, etc... The conclusions of this report tend to establish a correlation between diet and the appearance of wrinkles:
The subjects with the fewest wrinkles had followed a diet primarily composed of vegetables, olive oil, nuts, dried fruits, apples, tea, eggs, and yogurt.
Subjects more visibly marked by signs of aging had a higher consumption of alcohol, whole milk, red meat, starchy foods, soda, and sweets.
5. Do not smoke.
Tobacco interacts synergistically with UV radiation in the aging process of the epidermis. Numerous studies have proven that chronic smoking is implicated in the premature aging of the skin. The reason is simple: nicotine damages the skin's elastic fibers and has a detrimental effect on many levels. Consequently, heavy smokers have thinner, more fragile skin, more pronounced wrinkles, prominent cheekbones, and a yellowish complexion.
WAHLQVIST M.L. & al. Rides de la peau : la nourriture peut-elle faire la différence ? Journal de l'American College of Nutrition (2001).
MORITA A. La fumée de tabac provoque un vieillissement prématuré de la peau. Journal of Dermatological Science (2007).
Understand your skin
and its complex needs.