Causes perte de cheveux en automne.

Hair loss in the fall: what's happening?

Often going unnoticed by many, it is common to observe in the fall, between late August and late November, a seasonal onset of hair loss. Although this phenomenon only lasts a few weeks, some may experience hair loss three to four times higher than normal. Let's explore together what can cause this hair loss during this time of the year.

Published June 27, 2023, updated on May 29, 2024, by Manon, Scientific Editor — 4 min read

What triggers hair loss in the fall?

Hair loss is a normal process that occurs throughout the year. However, in the fall, the number of hairs that fall out can be doubled or even quadrupled compared to the usual rate. This phenomenon is explained by the number of hairs that reach the end of their life cycle during this season. Indeed, during the summer, we observe a decrease in the production of melatonin. This hormone, produced by the pineal gland, is inhibited in the presence of light. It is involved in the hair cycle by increasing the anagen phase (growth phase).

Clinical studies have shown that in women suffering from androgenetic alopecia, a solution of melatonin applied to their scalp increased their hair growth by extending the anagen phase compared to control groups. These results confirm that this hormone plays a role in the hair cycle, although its mechanism remains unknown. Thus, in summer, the amount of daily light is higher due to the lengthening of the day. Melatonin is therefore inhibited, and the hair quickly enters the catagen phase and then the telogen phase. This process can take a few months, which explains why our hair only falls out at the beginning of autumn.

Other external or internal factors can also exacerbate hair loss in the fall. This is the case with vitamin and mineral deficiencies. Indeed, for growth, strands require vitamin B, zinc, sulfur, silicon, omega-3, and/or iron. The stress, fatigue, and hormones are also factors that intensify the autumnal hair loss.

How to limit hair loss in the fall?

To combat seasonal hair loss, adopt treatments that provide your hair with the elements it needs to strengthen.

You can apply one to two pipettes of ourDensifying Scalp Treatmentcontaining pea peptides and ginger extract to the entire dry scalp once a day, in the morning or evening. This treatment contains 2% pea peptides, elements rich in phytonutrients, particularly isoflavones, which stimulate specific molecules in the dermal papilla that are essential for reactivating hair growth and extending the hair cycle. The life cycle of the hair is extended and the hair appears visibly denser after 3 months of treatment.

Furthermore, favor foods rich in vitamin D, particularly mushrooms, avocados, or fatty fish such as herring, sardines, or salmon. Hair follicles have vitamin D receptors (VDR: Vitamin D Receptor) that play a role in hair renewal and growth. Vitamin D helps to contribute to hair growth by promoting the anagen phase. Its deficiency, typically observed in autumn and winter when the days shorten, leads to hair loss.

Note: Other simple actions such as reducing the frequency of washing, letting them air dry, and avoiding tying them up too often will help to not weaken your hair and limit their fall.


  • RANDALL V. A. & al. Seasonal changes in human hair growth. British Journal of Dermatology (1991).

  • COURTOIS M. & al. Periodicity in the growth and shedding of hair. British Journal of Dermatology (1996).

  • FISCHER T. W. & al. Melatonin increases anagen hair rate in women with androgenetic alopecia or diffuse alopecia: results of a pilot randomized controlled trial. British Journal of Dermatology (2004).


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