Fibrous cellulite is the most ingrained form of cellulite and is particularly difficult to eliminate. It is painful and gives the skin a granulated appearance. Continue reading to discover how fibrous cellulite forms and whether it is possible to reduce it.

- Carnet
- Skin Concerns
- Fibrous Cellulite: How to Eliminate It?
Fibrous Cellulite: How to Eliminate It?
- Key points on fibrous cellulite
- How is fibrous cellulite formed?
- Can we eliminate fibrous cellulite?
- Sources
Key points on fibrous cellulite.
Fibrous cellulite is embedded, hard, and painful to the touch. It sometimes takes on a purplish hue. The appearance of fibrous cellulite follows the hardening of collagen fibers, which surround the fat cells, also known as adipocytes. These cells are located in the hypodermis of the skin.
The skin is composed of three main layers: the epidermis, the dermis, and the hypodermis. The epidermis, the superficial part, plays a protective role and is covered by the hydrolipidic film. The dermis is thick and elastic. It notably contains the sebaceous glands that produce sebum. Finally, the hypodermis is the deepest layer of the skin. Predominantly made up of adipocytes, it serves as an energy reserve and plays a role in thermal insulation.
How is fibrous cellulite formed?
The hardening of collagen fibers, which leads to the onset of fibrous cellulite, is due to the glycation of these fibers, that is, the deposit of sugars on their surface. This alters their structure, which can result in a loss of their function. The collagen fibers normally have the task of providing tissues with mechanical resistance to stretching and pulling. When they harden, the skin is pulled downward, which compresses the fat cells between the partitions of the hypodermis, forming skin depressions that are the origin of dimples.
Fibrous cellulite can be caused by several factors, including sedentary lifestyle, a diet too rich in sugar, or heredity. The hardening of collagen fibers can also be caused by certain inflammatory mediators, manifesting with age or during the accumulation of toxins in the tissues.
Can we eliminate fibrous cellulite?
The marks associated with this type of cellulite are the most difficult to fade.Therefore, it is better to prevent its occurrence by adopting a healthy lifestyle.
How to prevent fibrous cellulite?
Certain daily habits or practices help prevent the onset of fibrous cellulite.
Adopting a balanced diet : a diet too rich in sugar promotes the glycation of collagen fibers and the appearance of cellulite.
Maintaining regular physical activity : in addition to having a beneficial effect on morale, engaging in sports helps to rebalance the ingested sugar / expended sugar ratio.
Massages : performing a kneading technique stimulates the circulation of fat and water, and has a draining effect. However, the effectiveness of this method in the case of fibrous cellulite is very limited.
How to reduce fibrous cellulite?
When fibrous cellulite is established, it is possible to turn to certain aesthetic medicine techniques to reduce its appearance.
Liposuction : this technique involves suctioning fat through cannulas inserted into the skin via thin incisions. After the operation, it is not uncommon to observe the appearance of edema and bruising, which subside after a few weeks.
Radiofrequency : The emission of a very high-frequency electromagnetic wave allows for the heating of the hypodermis and the promotion of lipolysis. The accumulated fat is thus evacuated and the adipocytes deflate. However, this procedure is not recommended for pregnant women, and people with a pacemaker or melanoma. After the session, some redness and swelling may appear for a few hours.
RAWLINGS A. Cellulite and its treatment. International Journal of Cosmetic Science (2006).
HERMAN A. & al. Mechanisms of action of caffeine and its use in cosmetics. Skin Pharmacology and Physiology (2013).
SADICK N. Treatment for cellulite. International Journal of Women's Dermatology (2018).
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