Psoriasis is an inflammatory skin disease that can occur in both children and adults. When it manifests in children, it is almost impossible to cure it permanently. Moreover, it is a chronic skin disease that evolves in flare-ups. Discover the key points to remember about psoriasis in babies or psoriasis in children.

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- Skin Concerns
- Psoriasis in Babies and Children: How to Treat It?
Psoriasis in Babies and Children: How to Treat It?
- What are the specific characteristics of psoriasis in babies or children?
- Childhood Psoriasis: How to Manage It?
- Sources
What are the specific characteristics of psoriasis in babies or children?
It happens that an infant may show signs of lesions from psoriasis within the first few months of their life. This skin disease is characterized by the appearance of red patches and inflammatory reactions on the area of skin located under the diaper. It is often referred to as "diaper psoriasis". This condition often appears during the first two years of the infant's life. It initially affects the fold areas and then spreads to all areas covered by the diaper. It has the typical appearance of diaper rash, but with defined boundaries. It is minimally scaly and predominates on convexities with a glossy appearance.
One of the recurring forms of psoriasis that can affect children is the plaque psoriasis. Affecting the face, it can give the child a particular semiotic appearance known as "red clown". Sometimes, it affects both cheeks at once. Plaque psoriasis is characterized by the presence of defined and symmetrical inflammatory patches on the skin.
In children, psoriasis can be pustular or palmoplantar. They may suffer from dry pulpitis with cracks and pain in most cases. In a school setting, for example, they may struggle with writing. The child may also suffer from other forms of psoriasis such as the guttate psoriasis. The skin rash can spread to different regions of the body like the scalp. Often, it is characterized by the presence of rosy macules that predominate on the trunk and the root of the limbs. In 50% of cases, guttate psoriasis only lasts a few months and will disappear without treatment.
Childhood Psoriasis: How to Manage It?
In treating psoriasis in babies or children, the primary goal is not to cure the disease, but to help the child accept it. It is essential to provide them with a normal life so they can engage in everyday activities (such as swimming, writing, etc.) while avoiding ridicule.
The treatment of psoriasis in children is straightforward when the doctor, parents, and child work together harmoniously. Through consultations, parents can understand psoriasis and choose the appropriate treatment to achieve the goals set in advance.
Theacitretin, a treatment designed for severe forms of psoriasis. It works by limiting the speed of cell renewal in the epidermis and thinning the plaques.
Theuse of dermocorticoids which are prescribed to provide relief to the patient.
The phototherapy, a treatment is available for children starting from 8 years old.
The methotrexate, a medication that is used to treat psoriasis as well as potential joint pain, and psoriatic arthritis.
The cyclosporine, an emergency treatment used on a child suffering from psoriasis who needs quick relief.
AUGUSTIN M. & al. Epidemiology and comorbidity of psoriasis in children. British Journal of Dermatology (2009).
Dr MAHÉ. Le psoriasis de l'enfant. Association France Psoriasis (2013).
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