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Quitting Alcohol: The Benefits to the Skin

Whether it is during "Dry January" or in the case of withdrawal from alcoholism, the benefits on the skin are quickly visible. They thus encourage anyone concerned to stop excessive consumption of alcoholic drinks.

Reminder: The Effects of Alcohol on the Skin.

The ingestion of alcohol affects the skin indirectly. In fact, this drink influences the proper functioning of certain organs, affecting the condition of the skin as well as the hair. Several studies have shown that most of the alcohol metabolizes in the liver, which eliminates more than 80% of the alcohol ingested. It involves two successive oxidations; ethanol is first transformed into acetaldehyde (or ethanal), a very toxic substance, then into aldehyde dehydrogenase.

This degradation process is energy consuming: it requires nutrients such as minerals and antioxidants. The latter will be present in smaller quantities to fight against photoaging, hence the fact that excessive alcohol consumption is linked to accelerated skin aging. The skin then shows premature signs of aging, namely wrinkles and fine lines. During the degradation of alcohol by the liver, the cell renewal process is also slowed down. The complexion becomes dull following the accumulation of dead cells.

In addition, although it is a drink, alcohol is a diuretic that promotes dehydration. Due to a lack of hydration, the skin shows signs of dryness: tightness, loss of elasticity, dark circles, etc.

As alcohol is a powerful vasodilator, its excessive and repeated ingestion can also be accompanied by a rapid dilation of peripheral vessels. This causes redness on the face, which aggravates certain skin conditions such as couperose and rosacea.

Finally, studies have shown that alcohol increases the levels of certain hormones in women, such as testosterone and estradiol, a form of estrogen. Increased hormone levels can stimulate the sebaceous glands to produce more sebum. Sebum can clog pores and cause a rash. There is a link between excessive alcohol consumption and pimples.

The Benefits of Quitting Alcohol on the Skin.

The effects of quitting alcohol can be seen gradually on the body and on the skin. At the beginning of withdrawal, it is common to have some skin discomfort, namely dilated pores, the appearance of acne pimples, redness, etc. This is due to the fact that, during the first few days, the body is trying to eliminate accumulated toxins. Once it has resumed its full functions, the improvements become noticeable. The skin regains its radiance and imperfections tend to disappear. The body is once again able to provide the nutrients necessary for its health and to ensure its hydration. With rest, the features are also less drawn and dark circles gradually dissipate. Skin conditions aggravated by drinking, such as rosacea or couperose, are calmed and red patches on the surface of the skin are reduced.

How To Take Care of Your Skin When You Stop Drinking Alcohol?

To help your skin during its regeneration process, exfoliation is an essential gesture to get rid of dead cells and impurities. Our Radiance Scrub with rose hip oil refines the skin's texture. It also contains carrot macerate for a more radiant complexion. If you prefer to use a mask, the Red Fruit Acid Peel Mask is an exfoliating gel that unclogs pores, renews skin and brightens the complexion. It provides a double chemical and mechanical exfoliation.

On the other hand, if you continue to have skin breakouts such as blackheads or pimples during the first few days after stopping alcohol, use our purifying charcoal mask. It purifies the skin without drying it out, regulates sebum production and fights against imperfections. It contains sebo-regulating nettle, mattifying pine charcoal and purifying green clay.


  • ERIKSSON C. J. P. & al. Acute effect of alcohol on androgens in premenopausal women. Alcohol and Alcoholism (2000).

  • ROUACH H. & al. Alcool : effets sur la santé. INSERM (2001).

  • Drinking makes you older at the cellular level. Research Society on Alcoholism (2017).


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