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The benefits of a cold shower?

The benefits of a cold shower?

Many people seem reluctant to the idea of taking a cold shower, especially in winter. While we have the ability to adjust the water to a comfortable temperature, people often do not realize the numerous benefits that cold water can provide. Let's focus on these benefits.

Cold Shower: Beneficial for Health.

Taking a cold shower improves blood circulation. This is explained by the fact that cold water has the ability to stimulate the arteries and thin the blood in the veins. As a result, blood pressure increases and the flow of oxygen as well as the nutrients contained in the blood can easily reach vital organs. This is beneficial for the functioning of the heart, kidneys, muscles, and nervous system. Moreover, good blood circulation helps prevent the appearance of varicose veins and dark circles, as well as alleviate heavy leg problems.

Apart from this, a cold shower also provides benefits for the immune system. Indeed, when cold water courses through our body, our production of lymphocytes increases. These are a type of white blood cell found in the blood, whose role is to defend the body from external attacks such as viruses, bacteria, and infections. Moreover, the body reacts quickly to low temperatures. Furthermore, a cold shower boosts muscle fibers. It's like a jolt that makes you more focused and productive. Therefore, a cold shower is ideal for starting the day.

Cold shower: beneficial for the skin and sleep.

Cold water presents itself as an ally that benefits our skin. For instance, if you immerse your face in cold water for a few seconds, your pores will instantly close. If you do this often, the skin on your face becomes supple and will have a smooth appearance, unlike hot water which tends to dry out the skin. In fact, many people use cold water, or even ice water, to tone their face and prevent the onset of wrinkles.

Another advantage of cold water is that it closes the hair cuticles. As a result, the hair becomes silky and shiny after washing. By combining cold water with Typology's 10-ingredient shampoo, free of fragrance, sulfate, and silicone, you will regain flexibility and vitality for your dry or damaged hair.. Furthermore, it also turns out that a cold shower just before going to bed promotes falling asleep. Those who suffer from insomnia or restless sleep should therefore take a cold shower in the evening, ideally an hour after dinner.

The surprising effects of cold showers.

There are also a few other surprising benefits of cold showers. Firstly, it turns out that a cold shower could help with weight loss. In fact, when the body is exposed to low temperatures, it draws from the brown adipose tissue, also known as brown fat, to warm itself. This heat production burns a significant amount of calories. Of course, the body is not programmed to function this way. Therefore, it is pointless to replace workout sessions with a cold shower.

Furthermore, cold water is also believed to be beneficial for male fertility. Indeed, the production of male reproductive cells is said to be abundant and of high quality when men frequently shower in cold water.

Finally, there is no doubt that cold showers are beneficial for the environment, as they use less energy, and the coolness encourages shorter showers (reducing potable water consumption).


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