Peppermint hydrosol is a refreshing floral water obtained by steam distillation of fresh peppermint leaves (Mentha piperita). Its biochemical composition endows it with astringent and purifying properties, useful for mitigating acne outbreaks!

- Carnet
- Active Ingredients
- The effects of peppermint hydrosol on acne
The effects of peppermint hydrosol on acne
What is acne?
Acne is a disease that is inflammatory and chronic in nature, characterized by the inflammation of hair -sebaceous follicles. It is accompanied by unsightly pimples and typically a permanently oily skin. It can appear both on the face and certain parts of the body (chest, back, buttocks...).
According to the S.F.D. (French Society of Dermatology), 15 million people in France are affected by acne problems, including 3.3 million aged over 15 years. This skin disorderaffects approximately 80% of teenagers (of which 15% present severe acne) and nearly 25% of adults, particularly women. The primary reason for consultation with a dermatologist, acne can lead to a lack of self-confidence and significant psychological distress.
From a biological perspective, acne is caused by overactive sebaceous glands that secrete an excessive amount of sebum and/or sebum that is too thick, which clogs the pores and results in pimples and/or blackheads.This condition is referred to as dysseborrhea.Moreover, in this fat-rich environment, a bacterium that is usually present in small amounts on the skin, Propionibacterium acnes, proliferates, which triggers an inflammatory response on the skin's surface.
This condition is often triggered by stress, pollution, and hormones. An unhealthy lifestyle (lack of sleep, smoking, unbalanced diet, poor hygiene...) can also trigger or worsen this sebum alteration, which leads to the emergence of blackheads or blemishes.
Peppermint hydrosol against acne.
Peppermint hydrosol is recommended for mitigating acne flare-ups, as it operates on various levels.
It tightens the pores.
Peppermint hydrosol helps to unclog your pores in case of excess sebum. These are tightened and your skin barrier is strengthened. In addition, this hydrosol regulates excess sebum and prevents the oily and shiny appearance of acne-prone skin.
It brings radiance and brightness to the complexion.
Peppermint hydrosol stimulates blood circulation and allows for better skin irrigation. Used daily, this floral water can restore radiance to the skin, often dulled by acne blemishes.
It purifies the epidermis.
The peppermint hydrosol contains a significant amount of menthol, a compound with proven antibacterial properties. This allows it to combat the spread of P.Acnes and thus purify acne-prone skin.
He works towards less irritated skin.
Acne is a source of discomfort for those affected, even causing pain and itching. Peppermint hydrosol alleviates these unpleasant sensations and prevents irritation.
Take note! The advantage of floral water compared to peppermint essential oil is that it is not allergenic and can be used by all skin types, as well as by pregnant and breastfeeding women and children.
How to use peppermint hydrosol against acne?
To alleviate your acne problem, the regular application of a formula composed of peppermint hydrosol is an alternative.
Peppermint hydrosol is not a photosensitizing substance, it can be applied both in the morning and in the evening. It is typically applied with a cotton pad or directly with the fingers, right after cleansing the skin. It can be combined with specific acne treatments such as a glycolic acid product or azelaic acid.
Ourpeppermint hydrosolis obtained through distillation from peppermint leaves sourced fromorganic farming, grown and harvested inFrance. This skincare product contains 99% natural-origin ingredients and is suitable for combination to oily skin, acne-prone skin, as well as enlarged pores.
Only in the evening, to alleviate your acne, apply after the hydrosol the exfoliating serum based onglycolic acid known for its keratolytic, astringent, and unclogging virtues. In the morning, always after the hydrosol, instead apply the matifying serum highly concentrated in azelaic acid. It helps to regulate sebum production for a mattified skin appearance.
Guy P P Kamatou & al., Menthol: a simple monoterpene with remarkable biological properties, Phytochemistry. (2013)
FAUCON M. "Traité d'aromathérapie scientifique et médicale, les hydrolats" (2018).
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