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Vitamine K effets indésirables.

Vitamin K: Any Adverse Effects?

Various skincare treatments incorporate Vitamin K into their formulation. This vitamin is known for its diverse properties and benefits for the skin. However, are there any dangers associated with its use?

Are there any side effects associated with the use of Vitamin K in cosmetics?

The vitamin K, known for its role in blood clotting when taken orally, may also have interesting properties when applied topically. However, it is worth questioning whether it poses any risk when applied in this manner. The form of vitamin K used in cosmetics is vitamin K1. It should be noted that its pure use has been banned in Europe according to Directive 2009/6/EC, because it can cause contact dermatitis reactions.

It would behave like an allergen that activates the immune system to cause inflammation. Moreover, it could cause sensitizations to vitamin K, which can have harmful effects for people taking oral treatments based on vitamin K. Finally, it would be unstable in light. This situation can alter the stability of the formula and make the skin photosensitive, exposing it to free radicals created by oxidative stress.

However, these effects will depend on the individual in question. Moreover, skincare products claiming the presence of vitamin K generally contain oxidized forms (vitamin K oxide), which are more stable in light and less risky.

The contraindications and precautions for the use of Vitamin K in topical application.

Cosmetic products containing Vitamin K that are available on the global market have a concentration ranging between 0.1% and 1%. They are suitable for all skin types.

The primary risk would be sensitization to Vitamin K that topical application of Vitamin K1 can cause. As previously mentioned, studies have shown that its application can make people sensitive to Vitamin K, which can be quite concerning for individuals taking Vitamin K treatments. If this is your situation, consult your doctor before undertaking anything.

There have been few studies conducted on pregnant women and children. Although the scale tips towards minimal risk, it would still be prudent to consult your doctor before applying vitamin K to your skin if you are in either of these situations.

You can perform a skin tolerance test of the product containing vitamin K if in doubt, in the crook of the elbow, on the inside of the wrist, or behind the ear for example, to observe potential skin reactions.

Finally, due to the instability of Vitamin K when exposed to UV rays, it is recommended to keep cosmetics containing it away from sunlight, and to carefully read the usage precautions indicated on the care instructions.

If you have any questions, do not hesitate to get in touch with your doctor for more information.


  • HO P. C. & al. Influence of DL methionine and sodium metabisulphite on the photostability of vitamin k1. PDA Journal of Pharmaceutical Science and Technology (1998).

  • DIRECTIVE 2009/6/CE DE LA COMMISSION du 4 février 2009. Journal officiel de l’Union européenne (2009).

  • Opinion on vitamin K1 (phytonadione). Scientific Committee on Consumer Safety (2010).

  • NOVÁKOVÁ L. & al. Vitamin K – sources, physiological role, kinetics, deficiency, detection, therapeutic use, and toxicity. Nutrition Reviews (2022).


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