Vitamin K is naturally found in foods such as green vegetables. It contributes to blood clotting, and its numerous benefits make it a useful active ingredient in the formulation of cosmetic care products, for example. Let's explore together how to use Vitamin K.

- Carnet
- Active Ingredients
- How is Vitamin K used?
How is Vitamin K used?
Vitamin K as a dietary supplement.
The vitamin K can be consumed orally, as a dietary supplement. It is found in the form of capsules, drinkable solutions, or tablets. The dosages available on the market are approximately 25 to 100 µg per day.
It is important to note that dietary supplements containing vitamin K are currently used exclusively for medical purposes to address a deficiency in vitamin K or a blood coagulation issue.
Nevertheless, studies reveal a potential effect of vitamin Kp on the skin, particularly in the context of skin conditions such as the psoriasis. A defined mechanism has recently been proposed through Toll-like receptors (TLR), pro-inflammatory receptors involved in atherosclerosis, which is a fatty deposit in the arteries.
The study, conducted by Jinchuan YAN and his team, utilized vitamin K supplementation in mice to detect its effect on arterial calcification and associated inflammation. After 12 weeks of oral administration of 40mg/kg/day of vitamin K, aortic tissues showed a significant decrease in the expression of TLR2 and TLR4.
This study is a significant discovery, as psoriasis exhibits an aberrant expression of these receptors in the epidermis. Therefore, this could imply a role for Vitamin K in the management of psoriasis.
Further research is required to determine the role of Vitamin K in the expression of TLRs in the epidermis, and clinical trials on patients with psoriasis may be of interest.
Topical application of Vitamin K.
The form used for topical application is the vitamin K1. It is included in various skincare and cosmetic products , ranging from 0.1% to 1% (creams, serums, gels, etc.), but also in natural extracts, such as safflower oil (0.0065%).
However, it's important to note that the Vitamin K1 found in cosmetic products is generally in its oxidized form (Vitamin K oxide), which is more stable, less irritating, and potentially just as effective as its reduced form in treating vascular redness.
vitamin K1 in its pure form in cosmetics has been banned by the European Commission according to Directive 2009/6/EC, due to several cases of skin allergic reactions.
The topical application of a 1% vitamin K cream has significantly improved wound healing starting from the seventh day of treatment. It also possesses antioxidant properties that may be beneficial in counteracting photoaging. It can also be anti-inflammatory and reduce blood circulation defects, particularly associated with redness, dark circles , and bruises.
While few experiments have been conducted on humans, the use of Vitamin K may not be as effective as indicated in studies.
Vitamin K on hair.
When used in hair care, the vitamin K is found in certain plant oils that are beneficial for hair care, as they hydrate and strengthen the hair fiber, such as wheat germ oil (0.023%), almond oil (0.0064%), and coconut oil (0.00046%). These oils can be applied in a few drops with the hands to the roots and lengths of the hair, either pure or in an oil bath.
As of today, no hair care product containing Vitamin K is available on the market. Indeed, no study has proven any properties of using Vitamin K for hair application.
Nevertheless, it is possible to make assumptions about the potential benefits it might have on hair. Indeed, we previously mentioned the potential antioxidant effects of vitamin K. Although this property is not yet fully proven and requires more studies, we believe that it involves an inhibition of lipid peroxidation by the vitamin K cycle through the elimination of free radicals.
The photo-aggravation of hair aging involves a deterioration of the hair fiber due to lipid oxidation. Hair pigments protect the hair proteins by absorbing and filtering solar radiation. However, when these pigments act to protect these proteins, they themselves can be degraded, resulting in white hair. Vitamin K would therefore reduce the effects of oxidative stress on the hair, and may limit the hair discoloration associated with aging by preserving the pigments.
THIJSSEN H. H. W. & al. The potent antioxidant activity of the vitamin K cycle in microsomal lipid peroxidation. Biochemical Pharmacology (1997).
DIRECTIVE 2009/6/CE DE LA COMMISSION du 4 février 2009. Journal officiel de l’Union Européenne (2009).
LEE W. S. Photoaggravation of hair aging. International Journal of Trichology (2009).
ALLEN H.B. & al. Psoriasis and fat-soluble vitamins: A review. Journal of Clinical & Experimental Dermatology Research (2017).
YAN J. & al. Vitamin K2 can suppress the expression of Toll-like receptor 2 (TLR2) and TLR4, and inhibit calcification of aortic intima in ApoE-/- mice as well as smooth muscle cells. Vascular (2017).
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