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New product T34: delivers an immediate healthy glow

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Réveil difficile : comment défroisser son visage ?

Waking up looking tired: how to smooth out your face?

Waking up can look different from one day to the next, and sometimes we struggle to regain a fresh complexion. A creased face, pillow marks, and bags or dark circles under the eyes are all signs that the skin needs specific care to restore its radiance and suppleness. What treatments should be used in case of a rough awakening, and how can one smooth out their face? Find more details on this topic here.

Why is the face sometimes swollen, puffy, and wrinkled upon waking up?

Waking up with a slightly puffy face is due to normal fluid retention during the night. Lying down leads to fluid retention and accumulation in the face. The majority of people experience this phenomenon. However, it can be more noticeable in some individuals due to one or more of the following factors.

  • Skin Aging

The skin on the face becomes less supple over time. Indeed, with age, the production of collagen and elastin gradually decreases, and the facial skin is unable to properly and quickly eliminate pillow marks.

  • Sleep

Not getting enough sleep, or on the contrary, sleeping too much (hypersomnia), results in a wrinkled and puffy face upon waking. The position in which one sleeps can also be a factor. Sleeping on your stomach, for example, can exacerbate this phenomenon of a puffy face upon waking.

  • Not removing makeup

Falling asleep with makeup on can cause a skin reaction known as contact dermatitis, which can lead to redness, irritation, or bags under the eyes. In most cases, there is no cause for concern, but if severe symptoms appear, such as very swollen eyes or difficulty opening them, immediate medical attention should be sought.

  • The Dietary Regimen

Consuming certain foods in the evening or at night can sometimes lead to additional puffiness in the morning. Generally, consuming foods high in sodium (or salt) can lead to greater water retention in the body and therefore an accumulation of fluid in the face when lying down. Here are some examples of high-sodium foods to avoid consuming in the evening, before bedtime: fast foods, like hamburgers, fries, and pizzas, processed meats, like bacon, sushi, especially with soy sauce, chips, nachos, and pretzels. Moreover, after a night of excessive drinking (excessive alcohol consumption), the face is often puffy upon waking. Indeed, alcohol induces a person to urinate more, which can cause slight dehydration. In response, the body may retain water wherever it can, such as in the face.

  • Physical Causes and Health Issues

Menstruation and certain health issues such as a sinus infection or hypothyroidism, which involves the thyroid gland not producing enough hormones, can lead to water retention in the face. Sometimes, facial puffiness upon waking is also due to allergies to dust, dander, or pollen inhaled during the night. The individual may not notice any symptoms until they wake up. Other symptoms of the allergic reaction, such as congestion, runny nose, sneezing, and itchy or watery eyes, may indicate that allergies are the cause of the puffiness.

Home care treatments and techniques can alleviate and prevent this issue by addressing the underlying cause.

How to smooth out your face?

Specific tips, advice, and treatments can help combat the signs of creasing left on the face, and even prevent them.

  • Applying cold water to the face each morning can quickly smooth out the skin. Indeed, cold water has a decongesting effect. If possible, it is preferable to use a thermal water-based treatment, which can simply be sprayed onto the face.

  • Drinking plenty of water throughout the day and eating water-rich foods for dinner. This helps to hydrate the skin overnight and prevents the face from easily showing pillow marks.

  • Apply a moisturizing cream morning and evening, and perform circular massages to improve blood circulation and better oxygenate the epidermis. It is also possible to follow a program of facial gymnastics.

  • Apply a decongesting treatment to the facial skin every morning after waking up. This could be, for example, the peppermint hydrosol or even the cornflower hydrosol. These floral waters indeed have toning properties. They stimulate blood circulation and thus help to restore radiance to the complexion and tone the skin. For greater effectiveness, keep these hydrosols cool.

  • Applying coffee grounds or a soaked and cooled tea bag to puffy areas can help stimulate the skin and tighten blood vessels, thereby reducing puffiness. Be careful, make sure to test the temperature before applying the grounds or tea bags to the face.

  • Use a jade roller. This is a tool that gently massages the face to promote circulation and aid in the drainage of lymphatic fluids. However, it should be noted that at present, nostudy has directly validated the benefits of this accessory on skin beauty.

Tips! As much as possible, it is advised to use a satin pillowcase or to place a satin fabric on the pillow during the night. This material has the advantage of not leaving marks on the skin. It is also recommended to learn to sleep on your back. This will greatly reduce the risk of facial creasing. Finally, a few light taps on the face each morning can stimulate blood flow, for a more supple and healthy skin.


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