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Lavandula Angustifolia (Lavender) Oil.

What is "Lavandula Angustifolia (Lavender) Oil" and what is its utility?

"Lavandula Angustifolia (Lavender) Oil" is the I.N.C.I. designation for theessential oil of true lavender. It has been recognized for years for its soothing properties, both on the nervous system and on the skin.

The official lavender, or the most symbolic plant in aromatherapy.

The officinal lavender, also known under the vernacular names of true lavender or French lavender, is a bushy shrub belonging to the family of Lamiaceae.

The genus Lavendula comprises 32 classified species, three of which are naturally found in France: the true lavender (Lavandula agustifolia) that grows in high mountains, the spike lavender (Lavandula latifolia) which is found in the hills or lower mountains, and the French lavender (Lavendula stoechas) that thrives in the plains.

To extract theessential oil of true lavender, the flowers must first be dried to remove some of the water they contain. The extraction is done by the steam distillation of the flowering tops. Under the effect of heat, lavender flowers produce two liquids: the hydrosol and the essential oil. The oil is found above the floral water. This essential oil primarily contains a terpenic ester, called linalyl acetate, as well as monoterpenols (terpinen-1-ol-4 and linalool).

The virtues of true lavender essential oil.

The use of fine lavender extract on the skin and hair provides numerous benefits:

  1. Theessential oil of true lavender applied topically.

This essential oil helps to minimize imperfections; it is therefore recommended for oily skin, as well as for acne-prone skin. Indeed, it has a purifying and astringent action. It regulates sebum production and mattifies oily skin that tends to shine. Moreover, its anti-bacterial activity helps to limit the proliferation of microorganisms involved in acne such as Staphylococcus aureus and Staphylococcus epidermidis. In addition, it is recognized for its restorative virtues and for its soothing action on fragile skin. As a result, it is present in the following two serums:

  1. The application of true lavender essential oil in hair care.

Just as when it is applied to the skin, this essential oil soothes irritations and itching of the scalp. It is therefore found in certain scalp scrubs, as well as masks and balms.

What are the contraindications of true lavender essential oil?

Like the majority of essential oils, this one is potentially allergenic due to certain compounds it contains (linalool and, to a lesser extent, limonene). It is not recommended during the first three months of pregnancy, as well as in children.


  • EETEVES CARDIA G. F. & al. Effect of lavender (Lavandula angustifolioa) essential oil on acute inflammatory response. Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine (2018).


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