what other active ingredients can hyaluronic acid be combined with?

what other active ingredients can hyaluronic acid be combined with?

Hyaluronic acid is a highly hydrophilic molecule that acts by retaining water like a sponge. Naturally present in the dermis, it contributes to the hydration of the skin and gives it its elasticity. It is found in a plethora of cosmetic products for the face and hair. Generally, well tolerated and without notable side effects, this active ingredient can be mixed with other substances to boost its moisturizing properties or rehydrate the skin after a slightly irritating treatment.

A quick recap on hyaluronic acid.

Hyaluronic acid is a highly hydrophilic complex sugar present in large quantities in the dermis, the deep layer of the skin located between the epidermis and hypodermis. Capable of capturing and retaining up to 1,000 times its own weight in water, this biomolecule is often compared to a sponge. It ensures the hydration of the skin and also serves as a support for collagen and elastin fibers. It therefore plays a fundamental role in ensuring the density and tone of the epidermis. Unfortunately, its content tends to decrease over the years; a study has shown that at the age of 50, the stock of hyaluronic acid present in the dermis has decreased by half!

This molecule is now the leading skin care ingredient to reduce wrinkles, as it can act on two levels:

  • At low molecular weight, it deeply enters the skin and stimulates its own production by the fibroblasts. It has a more plumping action.

  • At high molecular weight, it moisturizes the superficial layers of the epidermis and prevents dehydration lines.

Hyaluronic acid: the right combinations.

As a cosmetic active ingredient, this ingredient is well tolerated by the skin. It can be paired with other active ingredients to act in synergy or to rehydrate the skin:

  • Hyaluronic acid + Benzoyl peroxide (BPO).

    BPO is an active ingredient recommended for the treatment of acne. It acts on the bacteria that cause the formation of pimples and reduces inflammation. Nevertheless, it can dry out the skin and cause tightness. To avoid these inconveniences, it is recommended to apply a hyaluronic acid product during the BPO treatment to maintain a good skin hydration.

  • Hyaluronic acid + Fruit acids (AHA).

    Alpha-hydroxy acids (AHAs), such as glycolic acid or lactic acid, gently exfoliate the skin to unclog pores, remove dead cells and restore radiance. However, they can slightly dehydrate the epidermis. It is therefore recommended to use a hyaluronic acid-based treatment to keep the skin well hydrated.

  • Hyaluronic acid + Vitamin C.

    Together, these two active ingredients work on two different parameters for an optimal beautiful skin effect: hyaluronic acid moisturizes and tones the epidermis, while vitamin C brings radiance and luminosity.

  • Hyaluronic acid + Collagen.

    Collagen is a fibrous protein synthesized by fibroblasts in the dermis. Collagen fibers are fundamental to the cellular cohesion and structure of the skin. Like hyaluronic acid, collagen degrades over the years and signs of skin aging appear on the skin's surface. In cosmetics, this molecule is found in many skin care products to reduce the appearance of wrinkles. Used together during your beauty routine, collagen and hyaluronic acid provide a double action to fight against the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines.

How to combine Typology products?

During your evening beauty routine, for a smooth and unified complexion, apply 3 to 4 drops of your glycolic acid serum or soft peeling serum on your face. Wait a few minutes and then apply the plumping serum and/or the 9-ingredient face moisturizer to rehydrate your skin.
In the morning and evening, to moisturize and tone the skin, you can apply the plumping serum containing two types of hyaluronic acid molecules (low and high molecular weight). Then, to bring radiance to your complexion, apply 3 to 4 drops of the vitamin C serum on your face, well dried, to optimize the penetration.


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