The eye area is extremely sensitive and an area that deserves your full attention. There are many reasons for the presence and persistence of dark circles under the eyes, but fatigue is a major factor in their formation. Here's how to find out why.

Why Do We Have Dark Circles After a Bad Night?
Why Do You Get Dark Circles When You Don’t Sleep Much?
In an experimental study, scientists investigated the signals that can be used to judge how tired a person is based on their face alone. Using an eye-tracker measurement, the researchers tracked the gazes of subjects. It turned out that the researchers first paid attention to the area around the eyes when assessing participants' fatigue levels: People with dark circles around their eyes were judged to be more tired than others.
In the area of the eye contours, a short sleep is reflected in a purple discoloration of the lower eyelid and its widening. Now this color of the eye circles is due to the accumulation of blood pigments that show through under the thin skin. When you sleep little, the microcirculation of blood in the eye area is slowed down and disturbed. The blood capillaries become filled with blood and expand, releasing pigmented waste products in the perivascular area. The lymph, which processes the waste products, also circulates poorly and therefore cannot do anything to remove the pigments.
In addition, the skin around the eyes is four times thinner than the rest of the body, only 0.5 millimeters thick compared to an average of 2 millimeters. As a result, it is very sensitive and almost transparent. Consequently, sagging pigments and dilated microvessels are easily visible through the skin. For a smooth, awake look and a more radiant complexion, Typology therefore recommends at least 8 hours of sleep per night as well as the daily use of care products to combat dark circles.
Sources :
RUBIN P.A.D. & al. Age- and fatigue-related markers of human faces: an eye-tracking study. Ophtalmology (2009).
AXELSSON J. & al. Cues of fatigue: effects of sleep deprivation on facial appearance. Sleep (2013).
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