A baby is not immune to skin problems. On the contrary, the fragility of children's skin makes them particularly prone to irritations. Most frequently, these occur in the diaper area and manifest as uncomfortable, even painful, redness for babies. How can diaper rash be identified? What is its origin? Find the answers to these questions here.

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- Skin Concerns
- Why does baby have red buttocks?
Why does baby have red buttocks?
How to identify diaper rash in an infant?
Diaper rash is an extremely common skin inflammation in babies. In fact, it is estimated to affect about eight out of ten infants. The swollen appearance and red hue of the buttocks are the main warning signs. The skin in this area may also feel warm to the touch. Without appropriate treatment, the redness can worsen and spread to other parts of the body. Diaper rash, also known as diaper dermatitis, is easy to cure, provided that certain appropriate habits are adopted and the right care is used.
Not all infants react the same way when faced with diaper rash. However, while some are more bothered than others, most babies have more difficulty sleeping and moving peacefully. Each movement tugs at their delicate and painful skin , which can lead them to cry incessantly. Moreover, redness in the buttock area can be accompanied by itching, which can be challenging for babies to endure.
What are the causes of diaper dermatitis in babies?
Various factors can trigger the onset of redness on infants' buttocks. Most commonly, diaper dermatitis is caused by a drying out of the child's skin, due to friction from diapers. An intolerance to certain substances contained in wipes, diapers, soaps, or creams can also be responsible. It has also been identified that digestive or urinary disorders are aggravating factors of diaper rash. Indeed, diarrhea, caused by teething, food intolerance, or the use of antibiotics, perpetuates the irritation by causing an increase in the activity of fecal enzymes, which damages the epidermis.
Furthermore, prolonged exposure to urine and fecal matter, coupled with the occlusion caused by the constant wearing of diapers, can contribute to the maintenance of diaper dermatitis. Indeed, this leads to thealkalinization of the skin's pH, which alters the skin microbiota and impairs the stratum corneum. Friction against the skin and maceration can cause a breakdown of the skin barrier and increased permeability to potentially irritating substances. These factors predispose the skin tomicrobial invasion and inflammation. The fungi Candida albicans and the bacteria Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus agalactiae and Escherichia coli are commonly associated with diaper dermatitis. This alteration of the skin microbiota can trigger the release of histamine and pro-inflammatory prostaglandins, exacerbating irritation and redness.
If your baby has a persistent diaper rash for several days despite the administration of care, it is necessary to seek medical advice.
KANTI V. & BLUME-PEYTAVI U. Prevention and treatment of diaper dermatitis. Pediatric Dermatology (2018).
MICETIC-TURK D. & al. Diagnosis and management of diaper dermatitis in infants with a focus on skin microbiota in the diaper area. International Journal of Dermatology (2018).
CICCONE A. & VARBANOV M. Diaper Rash, Advice and Treatments. Pharmaceutical News (2020).
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