Different from acne, rosacea can become bothersome when left untreated. This chronic skin condition typically presents itself with redness that can be accompanied by tingling sensations. Several treatments exist to address it, among which is the hydrafacial. What is this dermatological treatment? Is it effective in combating rosacea? Learn more about this topic.

- Carnet
- Skin Concerns
- Hydrafacial as a treatment for rosacea?
Hydrafacial as a treatment for rosacea?
- How to recognize rosacea?
- What does a hydrafacial entail?
- Can HydraFacial sessions truly alleviate rosacea?
- Sources
How to recognize rosacea?
Often mistaken for acne , rosacea is a chronic, progressive, and rather complex skin disease . Initially benign, it manifests as redness that primarily invades the central part of the face. These flushes can become permanent as the condition progresses. Blood vessels dilate while small red bumps, or papules, appear. Rosacea is also accompanied by hot flashes and a significant sensitivity of the skin . Over time, rosacea can worsen with symptoms that evolve in a cycle. However, there are treatments that manage these symptoms and improve the skin's appearance, without truly curing rosacea. Among them, hydrafacial is frequently mentioned.
If you are suffering from rosacea, even mild, it is important to consult a dermatologist. The symptoms of rosacea can quickly worsen without appropriate treatment.
What does a hydrafacial entail?
Originating from the United States, the HydraFacial treatment aims to deeply cleanse the skin. Non-invasive, it seeks to achieve more hydrated skin, reducing imperfections, pigmentation spots, and signs of skin laxity. The results are gradually obtained over the course of the sessions. Depending on the needs, the results can be faster or slower. In the case of rosacea, it is generally recommended to have 3 to 6 sessions spaced 2 to 3 weeks apart.
The duration of a hydrafacial session varies between 30 and 90 minutes, depending on the needs of the skin. A cleansing of the skin is first carried out, often using lactic acid, to remove sebum, impurities, and accumulated dead cells. A fairly gentle peel is then performed. For this, a mixture of salicylic acid and glycolic acid, two exfoliants, is typically used. The concentrations are adjusted to the needs of the patients. After which, if the skin has comedones or blemishes, these are removed using a painless suction system . Finally, the skin is hydrated and a serum traditionally based on hyaluronic acid and peptides is applied to accelerate its regeneration.
Please note : HydraFacial sessions are not recommended for pregnant women and individuals undergoing acne treatment or those who have had acne treatment within the past year.
Can HydraFacial sessions truly alleviate rosacea?
The hydrafacial treatment can to some extent and in conjunction with treatments prescribed by a dermatologist help to alleviate the symptoms of mild rosacea. Indeed, the gentle peel and hydration boost it provides to the skin can help to reduce the characteristic redness of this skin condition. After several sessions, individuals suffering from rosacea typically find that their complexion is more even.
However, it is important to clarify that a hydrafacial treatment can only be performed in cases of mild rosacea, or erythrosis, when the skin only presents a few redness. It is strongly advised against having a hydrafacial session when the skin has telangiectasias. These small purplish blood vessels appear in cases of vascular rosacea. Furthermore, it is also recommended for people suffering from papulopustular rosacea not to have a hydrafacial session, as it risks worsening their skin condition or causing a superinfection.
Kelly ZAROUKIAN's Thesis. Study of the clinical, cellular, and molecular aspects of rosacea, associated dermo-cosmetic treatments, and their impact on the quality of life of patients (2017).
STEINHOFF M. & al. Recent advances in understanding and managing rosacea. F1000 Research (2018).
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