Even though the process of hair whitening is inevitable, many people seek natural ways to delay it. The moisturizing, soothing, and antioxidant properties of moringa oil make its use in hair care very popular. Could it also delay the onset of white hair? Learn more in this article.

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- Moringa oil to delay the onset of white hair?
Moringa oil to delay the onset of white hair?
Can we slow down hair graying with moringa oil?
Also known as canities, the emergence of white hair is a natural phenomenon that typically occurs around the age of 35. It is associated with a decrease in melanin production by melanocytes, the pigment cells, and a reduction in their number. It is also accelerated by oxidative stress. Indeed, by attacking the stem cells of melanocytes, free radicals prematurely induce apoptosis, which corresponds to the phenomenon of programmed cell death. Furthermore, the activities of the anti-apoptotic protein BCL-2 and the antioxidant enzyme catalase decrease over time, which facilitates the action of free radicals on melanocytes.
The moringa oil is a dry vegetable oil particularly appreciated for its hair benefits. Mainly used on the lengths, it can also be applied to the scalp without weighing it down too much. Nourishing and soothing, it could also help slow down hair whitening thanks to its antioxidant properties. Indeed, the moringa oil is rich in tocopherols and beta-carotene, molecules capable of trapping free radicals. Moreover, it has been shown that moringa oil can enhance the activities of catalase, an enzyme mentioned above, and superoxide dismutase. The latter is an antioxidant enzyme catalyzing the dismutation of superoxide anions O2•– into oxygen O2 and hydrogen peroxide H2O2. By doing so, moringa oil could potentially protect melanocytes and hair follicles from oxidative stress, a factor accelerating hair whitening.
Apart from its antioxidant effect, moringa oil does not possess any specific properties that suggest it could help slow down the onset of gray hair. It also cannot repigment already white hair fibers. Indeed, the depigmentation of hair related to aging is a natural and irreversible phenomenon. No ingredient can restart the production of melanin from melanocytes that have ceased to produce it. The moringa oil remains, however, an interesting hair ingredient for hydrating, nourishing, and taking care of one's hair.
The key takeaway : Moringa oil is a beneficial vegetable oil for hair care. However, it seems unlikely that it can delay the graying process.
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