Psoriasis is a skin disease that is still not well understood by the public. It is characterized by the appearance of red patches covered with scales that develop on certain parts of the body. Therefore, it is recommended to adopt the appropriate actions during exfoliation to avoid further damaging the skin. So, how should one proceed?

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- Skin Concerns
- Psoriasis: How to Exfoliate Your Skin?
Psoriasis: How to Exfoliate Your Skin?
- Psoriasis: What is it?
- Is it advisable to exfoliate your skin in case of psoriasis?
- What are the correct techniques during exfoliation?
Psoriasis: What is it?
Psoriasis is a chronic inflammatory disease that primarily affects the skin and joints. It presents as red, thick plaques that shed. Psoriasis is characterized by an excessive renewal and accumulation of epidermal cells, leading to a local inflammation .About 30% of psoriasis cases are considered familial forms that manifest during adolescence. If psoriasis develops after the age of 40, it is referred to as isolated or sporadic forms. It is important to note that psoriasis affects both sexes equally.
Histological analyses reveal an increase in the thickness of the epidermis (acanthosis) and incomplete differentiation of keratinocytes (parakeratosis). Psoriasis is triggered by a combination of risk factors including the immune system, genetic predisposition, and environmental factors.
Is it advisable to exfoliate your skin in case of psoriasis?
Exfoliation can be beneficial for individuals affected by psoriasis. Indeed, it helps to remove dead cells and reduce the scales found on the skin. As psoriasis causes itching and skin irritation, it is important to exfoliate the skin gently. Indeed, in the case of psoriasis, it is not recommended to scratch the skin, because the epidermis perceives scratching as an attack, which leads to an overproduction of scales and plaques, exacerbating the flare-up. Therefore, exfoliation should be performed gently.
For this, you can use a loofah, which is a natural sponge obtained from the fibers of the fruit of the Luffa aegyptiaca, a climbing plant from the cucumber family. Resembling a zucchini or cucumber, this fruit is harvested when ripe and then dried. Its skin and seeds are removed, leaving only the fibers. The result: a plant-based sponge that can be used like a washcloth. The loofah is ideal for gently exfoliating the skin. It should be moistened and your shower gel or soap, preferably of neutral pH, should be applied before rubbing it on your skin. Pat to create foam and make circular movements during cleaning to exfoliate psoriasis.
What are the correct techniques during exfoliation?
Be gentle in your movements to remove dead skin cells. Indeed, vigorous exfoliation can make the skin more sensitive and may dry it out. During cleansing, you'll know you're applying the right amount of pressure if you don't feel as though you're being scratched.
After each exfoliation, remember to moisturize your skin. In case of psoriasis, opt for a skincare treatment with soothing and repairing action to alleviate itching.
Furthermore, it is important to avoid overly hot water, as it can be harsh on the skin. A shower with lukewarm water is preferable. Regarding drying, also avoid vigorous actions, as the epidermis perceives them as an assault and will react. Pat dry instead.
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