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Typologie de peau PP(.).

What exactly does it mean to have PP(.) skin?

PP Skin(.), what does it mean?


Oxidation Factor PROTECTED

Sebum Production BALANCED (.)

The "P" for Pronounced Signs of Aging.

The first letter "P" indicates that skin aging is well established. On mature skin, after the age of fifty, expression lines that appeared earlier (crow's feet at the corners of the eyes, frown lines...) become increasingly pronounced, with loss of firmness being the cause. Cellular degeneration continues, coupled with a reduction in the number and size of fat cells in the fatty tissue of the hypodermis, the deepest layer of the skin. This decrease leads to a loss of volume and firmness, which will hollow out the cheeks.

Furthermore, in women, during menopause, deficiencies in estrogen and progesterone exacerbate the chronological aging of the skin. Indeed, estrogens stimulated keratinocytes, the synthesis of hyaluronic acid and collagen, and inhibited the growth of hair follicles. However, with this abrupt drop in the secretion of female hormones, there is an increased skin dryness, a modification of the barrier function, and a loss of radiance.

The letter "P" stands for Protect against oxidation factors.

The letter "P" signifies that the skin is well protected against the sun's UV rays. Beyond these beneficial effects on mood or vitamin D secretion, excessive sun exposure is the main cause of premature skin aging and the onset of skin cancers. Indeed, UVA rays can cause dermal changes especially in the elastic tissue and UVB rays lead to epidermal damage. Activation of free radicals, alteration of the cell membrane, DNA modification... UV rays act differently within skin cells to generate damage, which can alter the cell's function, cause its death, or trigger DNA mutations that in the long term lead to the formation of cancerous cells. Thus, even though the skin has some defenses against UV rays (melanogenesis, endogenous antioxidant system...), it is important to regularly apply an adequate amount of a sunscreen product that is suitable for one's phototype and sun exposure conditions for reasonable exposure while limiting risks.

The point "." for Balanced Sebum Secretion.

The "." indicates a balance in sebum production. Naturally produced by the sebaceous glands, the sebum is a fatty substance that helps the skin protect itself against external aggressions and fight against dryness by being part of the composition of the hydrolipidic film. Comfortable and soft to the touch, this skin type has a matte appearance without a shiny effect or "crocodile skin", and its skin texture is regular and uniform with pores that are tightened. It is naturally well hydrated, protected, and blemishes are rare. However, despite this skin balance, it also requires specific care to maintain its abilities and strengthen its regulation mechanisms.


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and its complex needs.