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Why Should You Hydrate Your Skin After Sunbathing?

After sunbathing, moisturizing the skin is important to maintain its suppleness and elasticity, delaying the appearance of signs of aging (sagging, wrinkles and fine lines) and the disappearance of the tan.

Published February 17, 2022, updated on June 3, 2024, by Maylis, Chemical Engineer — 4 min read

The Role of Skin Hydration

Dry, normal, oily, combination or sensitive – no matter what skin type you are, your skin needs water to maintain its suppleness and elasticity. Hydration is important to prevent premature aging of the skin. In fact, with certain external influences such as UV rays from the sun, the skin dries out quickly. Considering this, it is important to pay special attention to moisturizing the skin after sunbathing for two main reasons:

  • To compensate for insensible fluid loss (IFL), which increases during exposure to the sun's UV rays.

    As a reminder, IFL is a phenomenon related to passive water diffusion and perspiration, resulting in a constant and imperceptible evaporation of the water present in the dermis at the skin surface. This imperceptible diffusion through the different skin layers is essential for normal skin function, as this physiological process promotes hydration of the uppermost skin layers and transports nutrients from the dermis to the epidermis, since the epidermis is not supplied by blood vessels. Normally, water loss is 300-400 mL per day. However, when exposed to sunlight and heat, this value increases. To compensate for this water loss, you need to increase your efforts to drink enough fluids before, during and after sunbathing.

  • How to make your tan last longer

    To prolong the tan and delay the flaking of the skin, it is important to keep the skin hydrated. However, keep in mind that due to cell differentiation, the tan usually cannot last longer than a month. In this natural process, epithelial cells enriched with keratin mature into dead cells and are eventually exfoliated from the stratum corneum. Keratinocytes are thus continuously renewed in a cycle of about 28 days.

What Skin Care Products Should You Use To Moisturize Your Skin?

It is necessary to rely on skin care products rich in moisturizing ingredients (glycerin, hyaluronic acid, aloe vera, etc.) that bind water in the skin layers.

Therefore, choose moisturizing products according to your skin type (dry, oily, normal...) and apply them daily in the morning and evening. Hyaluronic acid (HA) is the moisturizing ingredient par excellence. This compound occurs naturally in the body, especially in the dermis, but its production decreases with age. Therefore, the daily supply of HA can delay the appearance of lines and wrinkles and preserve the suppleness and tone of the skin.

For the face, you can use the moisturizing face serum containing 3% hyaluronic acid in the morning and evening. The lightweight serum is quickly absorbed, so you can then apply the moisturizer for the face with 9 ingredients. Enriched with hyaluronic acid and organic coconut oil, the cream is a minimalist formula that hydrates and nourishes the skin. The light, non-oily texture is suitable for dry, normal and combination skin, even sensitive skin.

For the body, you should prefer the moisturizing body cream with 10 ingredients that moisturize all skin types, even sensitive skin. This cream contains coconut oil, a vegetable oil high in saturated fatty acids that nourish the skin and protect it from moisture loss. It also contains vegetable glycerin from canola and sunflower seeds, which binds moisture from the air and moisturizes the skin on the surface.


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