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Exfoliation enzymatique.

Enzymatic Exfoliation: What is it?

Particularly recommended for sensitive skin, the enzymatic exfoliation is the suitable treatment to regain a clear and radiant complexion. Quick and gentle, it works through a chemical reaction to rid the skin of residues such as dead cells or impurities, without causing harm. Learn more about this form of exfoliation in this article.

Enzymatic Exfoliation: What is it?

As its name suggests, an enzymatic scrub is a type of chemical scrub that primarily contains enzymes. This type of scrub does not require rubbing to rid the skin of dead cells and impurities. Unlike so-called mechanical scrubs, it does not contain grains, thus proving to be less abrasive for sensitive, dry, or weakened skin.

This process utilizes active ingredients such as AHA and BHA, which have diverse origins. The AHAs, or alpha-hydroxy acids, act like proteases by breaking the glycoprotein bonds that connect dead cells to the stratum corneum. The BHAs, also known as beta-hydroxy acids, differ from AHAs in their keratolytic properties. They are capable of detaching and eliminating dead cells present on the surface of the epidermis. These acids can be of plant origin, derived from fruits like pineapple, figs, or apricots, or extracted from yeasts.

The virtues of an enzymatic exfoliation.

An enzymatic exfoliation offers several benefits for the balance of the skin.

  • A targeted action: the enzymes included in the skincare product work on impurities and dead cells;

  • A treatment gentler than a mechanical exfoliation, typically suitable for all skin types, including sensitive skin;

  • A rapid action, whose effectiveness operates in just a few minutes;

  • The absence of tingling or tugging sensations that can be felt during a traditional exfoliation;

  • A wide range of formats: peeling or exfoliating lotion, peeling or exfoliating mask, or even powder that, upon contact with water, transforms into foam. On Typology, you will discover these different variants, including our exfoliating serum with glycolic acid or our peeling mask with red fruit acids.

Note: Enzymatic exfoliation is a treatment to be used with caution as it can make the skin more sensitive to UV rays. Therefore, it is important to follow the product instructions.

On which parts of the body should the enzymatic scrub be applied?

Enzymatic exfoliants are primarily used on:

  • The face: taking care to avoid the eyes and mucous membranes;

  • The neck: since the skin there is particularly thin.

However, it is possible to adopt an enzymatic scrub designed exclusively for the body or with a targeted action for both the face and body.

How to use the enzymatic scrub?

To reap its benefits, the enzymatic exfoliation should be used once or twice a week. To do this:

  1. Cleanse and pre-dry your skin beforehand.

  2. Gently apply the treatment to the skin;

  3. Allow the product to sit for the time indicated on the packaging, typically a few minutes;

  4. Rinse off the treatment.

It's important to note that cellular regeneration occurs during the night. By performing your exfoliation in the evening, you enhance the skin regulation process. To appreciate the results, don't hesitate to finish your routine with a hydrating mask.


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