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interest, benefits and basis of the skin analysis.

interest, benefits and basis of the skin analysis.

Even today, some consumers do not know their skin type and apply unsuitable products. However, before even trying to offer your skin care, it is essential to proceed with a skin analysis in order to decode its needs and characteristics. The final objective is to allow users to have better knowledge of their skin and its health, and thus to select and adapt the care products to be used accordingly. What does a skin analysis consist of? On what criteria is it developed? Let's take a look.

Skin Analysis: What Is It, and Why Do It?

The skin analysis is an individual assessment at a certain moment to see where your weaknesses are and what to consider in a personalized care routine. It also helps you to slow down skin evolution and maintain your skin. Indeed, a skin analysis aims to determine your skin type, and to evaluate its characteristics and needs. At the end of a diagnosis, you will obtain the complete analysis of your skin and receive a recommendation of products based on the results obtained to better target your demands  in order to achieve the desired results. The proposed treatments will be adapted to the specific necessities of your skin to improve the weak points and rebalance its natural defenses.

What does a skin analysis consist of?

Typology's skin analysis is quite simple and takes only a few minutes. You are asked to answer about fifteen questions in order to get a complete picture of your feelings, your observations, your lifestyle, and your environment, and thus raise many issues. At the end of this questionnaire, the system gives you a detailed analysis of your skin; a personalized routine (one for the morning and one for the evening); as well as recommendations and information concerning your skin problems, their origins and how to solve them.

During the questions, different parameters of the skin, the most representative and essential ones, are discussed and analyzed for a complete and detailed diagnosis: hydration, wrinkles and fine lines, pimples, pigment spots,pore visibility, blackheads, skin reactivity (redness), shine, dark circles, puffiness, and level of firmness. In addition, you are also asked some basic questions. Such as whether you are pregnant, your relationship with the sun, whether you live in a polluted environment, your level of tolerance to cosmetic products, your skin tone, how often you wear makeup, and whether you smoke.

An evaluation according to three main and universal criteria.

The construction of this skin analysis is based on a bibliographic research of numerous scientific studies, and is based on three main and universal criteria:

  • Oxidation factors: This criterion evaluates the impact of UV rays, atmospheric pollution and tobacco consumption on the skin's health. These elements have in common to be at the origin of oxidative stress, a physiological process that is likely to have a lasting impact on your skin. Indeed, the presence of too many free radicals can cause premature aging of the skin (appearance of wrinkles and fine lines prematurely, a complexion that dulls more quickly, a loss of firmness from the thirties). All the components of the epidermis are attacked by free radicals (lipids, proteins, DNA) and suffer damage.

  • Sebum production: The activity of the sebaceous glands and, consequently, the integrity of the fatty film that protects the skin are evaluated. Sebum is a complex mixture of lipids that contributes to hydration, to the skin's barrier function and to its protection against external aggressions. However, any disturbance in its production can have consequences: an excess of sebum (hyperseborrhea) can cause shiny areas on the face and the formation of skin imperfections (dilated pores, pimples, blackheads, etc.); conversely, a secretion that is too low can lead to dry skin due to a lack of hydrolipidic film and therefore expose the skin to environmental factors, which can lead to redness, tightness, etc.

  • Skin aging: This approach analyzes the elasticity of the skin, the presence of wrinkles, as well as the uniformity of its pigmentation, independently of age. It is a natural process linked to an alteration of the repair or maintenance mechanisms of the cells. Over time, a slowdown in the renewal of skin cells is observed, resulting in a thickening of the stratum corneum, dry skin and a grayish complexion caused by an accumulation of dead cells on the surface of the epidermis. Wrinkles appear, and a loss of tone, volume, and density become visible. The first signs of aging can appear around the age of 25 – 30.

Result: the different skin typologies established.

The collection of all the answers you have provided allows us to create a score, defined by the Typology team, which corresponds to your skin type. Thus, according to this scientific methodology, 24 skin typologies have been determined, based on the three criteria defined above.

(A)bsent: No fine lines, nor at the corners of the lips and eyes. Skin color is even. (D)eclining : At rest, the skin is smooth. When moving, fine lines begin to appear at the corners of the lips and then at the corners of the eyes. The nasolabial folds (between the nose and the mouth) appear discreetly. A few light brown spots may be reflected. (V)isible: Fine lines at the corners of the lips and eyes are present when moving and at rest. The color of the skin is not uniform, with more or less brown spots on the forehead and in the furrows of the nose. (P)ronounced: Wrinkles are present all over the face. Spots are present on the face at the level of the neckline and on the back of the hands. (E)xposed: Insufficient sun protection habits in relation to phototype and rate of exposure. (P)rotected: Sufficient sun protection habits in relation to the phototype and the rate of exposure. (W)eak : Skin texture is fine. Deficient in sebum, the skin tends to become dehydrated. It is tight. (E)quilibrated: Comfortable and balanced, the skin's appearance is matte and its texture regular. It is nevertheless susceptible to external aggressions (pollution, sun, wind). (H)igh: The skin texture is irregular, the pores are visible, and the skin is more or less shiny. It is prone to imperfections.

interest, benefits and basis of the skin analysis.

Even today, some consumers do not know their skin type and apply unsuitable products. However, before even trying to offer your skin care, it is essential to proceed with a skin analysis in order to decode its needs and characteristics. The final objective is to allow users to have better knowledge of their skin and its health, and thus to select and adapt the care products to be used accordingly. What does a skin analysis consist of? On what criteria is it developed? Let's take a look.


Understand your skin
and its complex needs.